Tuesday, December 13, 2011

INDONESIA: Indonesia Experiences a Boom in Cement Sales

Cement sales in Indonesia are in an all-time high due to the huge volume of infrastructure and real estate projects. According to the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), cement sales this year could exceed previous forecasts. Domestic sales rose by 10% as opposed to the projected sales of 6%. This rise was largely because of the increase in infrastructure construction in the country. That's why now it's the best time to get property with Rumah 123.

Cement sales in Indonesia are in an all-time high due to the huge volume of infrastructure and real estate projects. According to the Indonesian Cement Association, cement sales this year could exceed previous forecasts. Domestic sales rose by 10% as opposed to the projected sales of 6%. This rise was largely because of the increase in infrastructure construction in the country, a government measure which local publications like the popular Rumah Magazine, Majalah Properti and Laporan Rumah Dijual are attributing for the sudden surge in housing demand, something in which the sudden popularity of property portals are in response to.

“The cements prices have proven that the government has invested a lot in infrastructure projects,” said Handy Chang of Rumah123.com, Indonesia’s number 1 and most established Property Portal. “These projects have done a lot for the country’s economy. The improvement of the economy has led to the increase of housing demand. Rumah123.com has recognized this demand and that is what we are addressing right now. Our goal is to help people find the house of their dreams. Not only that, we have special features tailor made for the savvy real estate investor as well.”

Those who want to purchase real property can visit Rumah123.com. Its listings are updated and individually moderated. Rumah123.com has the highest level of visitor engagement amongst all property portals, with each user browsing over 16 pages per visit and spending over 17 minutes on the site per visit. The Group has more than 400,000 registered members and investors across Asia and the rest of the world.

Studies have shown Rumah123.com has the highest level of visitor engagement amongst all Indonesian real estate portals, with each user browsing over 16 pages per visit and spending over 17 minutes on the site per visit. The Group has more than 400,000 registered members or investors across Asia. They specialize in exclusive deals in the Jakara, Bandung and Bali area where no other real estate publication has covered.

The government of Indonesia aims to belong to the top twelve largest economies by 2025. In 2010, the country ranked 17th. With the number of real estate developments going on in the country, this goal is not too far off in terms of achieving this grandiose dream. Rumah123 aims to be one of the key catalysts in getting them there.

Rumah123 Indonesia is a part of iProperty Group Ltd – the number 1 online property Group in Asia. It has leading property websites in Malaysia, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Philippines and Hong Kong. It is a part of the Australian Securities Exchange-listed IPGA Limited. It made history in 2009 when it won the prestigious CNBC Asia Pacific Property Award in the “Best Property Portal” category for six of its websites – Malaysia, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, Philippines and iLuxuryAsia.com.

BOLIVIA: Producción de cemento aumenta por alta demanda

Infografía cemento

El auge de la construcción en el país derivó en el crecimiento de la producción de cemento en 9,6% entre enero y octubre de este año respecto a igual periodo de 2010. Los constructores prevén que la demanda continuará al alza en los próximos meses.

Según datos extractados de la página web del Instituto Boliviano del Cemento y el Hormigón (IBCH), en el departamento de Oruro se registró un mayor consumo de cemento seguido de Tarija y La Paz (ver infografía). El gerente general del IBCH, Marcelo Alfaro, dijo que en esta gestión la producción de cemento sobrepasará el 10% con relación a lo registrado el año anterior.

“Una de las principales causas es que existe más dinero en la economía y además las tasas de interés están muy bajas. En el caso de personas que, por ejemplo, tienen dinero en el sistema bancario y ahora reciben un monto muy bajo por concepto de intereses, se animan a realizar una construcción o comprar un departamento y luego alquilarlo, de este modo pueden volver a percibir una renta mensual”, explicó. Por su parte, el presidente de la Cámara Boliviana de la Construcción de Bolivia (Caboco), Jaime Ponce, prevé que la demanda de cemento en el país continuará en los próximos meses debido al auge de la construcción.

çPor este motivo, Ponce pidió al Gobierno garantizar el abastecimiento de gas natural a las cuatro empresas cementeras para que no exista escasez de este insumo.

“El dinamismo que tiene el sector es producto de la liquidez en el sistema financiero, además las condiciones del crédito son bastante amplias, que tienen unas tasas que posibilitan que mucha gente califique. Otro efecto es el de las remesas de los compatriotas que trabajan en el exterior”, señaló el ejecutivo.

Según un reporte de la agencia AFP, fechado el 9 de este mes, la construcción registra un inusual crecimiento en Bolivia como resultado del apogeo económico que vive, la falta de opciones para la inversión productiva e incluso de la inyección de recursos originados en el contrabando y el trasiego de droga.

Salario de albañiles se incrementó

El vicepresidente de la Cámara Boliviana de la Construcción (Caboco), Christian Eduardo, dijo que producto de la bonanza en el sector y la demanda de mano de obra, el jornal que se paga a los albañiles y ayudantes se incrementó durante esta gestión. “Una mano de obra calificada estaba en los 100 bolivianos aproximadamente, pero hoy el jornal de un maestro albañil está entre los 130 y 140 bolivianos. El ayudante estaba bordeando los 60 bolivianos a principios de año y ahora está por los 80 y 90 bolivianos”, agregó.

El secretario ejecutivo de la Confederación Sindical de Trabajadores en Construcción de Bolivia, Jesús Acosta, indicó que si se mantiene el aumento de la producción de cemento en 2012, los salarios no bajarán porque habrá demanda de trabajadores.

“Si hay este aumento en la producción de cemento, el año que viene podrían generarse por lo menos unos 30 mil empleos más porque tenemos grandes obras que encarar. Por ejemplo, el proyecto de Misicuni en Cochabamba”, enfatizó. 

Según Acosta, en la actualidad en el sector de la construcción laboran alrededor de 120 mil trabajadores entre maestros albañiles y ayudantes. “Eso es bueno porque nuestros trabajadores van a tener trabajo”, agregó.

ARGENTINA: Proyectan que la venta de cemento batirá récords en 2012

“El dinamismo de la inversión en construcción se mantendrá “federal”, por contraposición al proceso observado en los ´90, cuando la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el Gran Buenos Aires dominaron la escena. Y en ese marco, las regiones del NEA, NOA y Cuyo serán las impulsoras de la actividad en los próximos años. El crecimiento de la construcción en estas regiones se explica a partir del desarrollo del sector agropecuario, los biocombustibles, el turismo y la minería y se mantendrá durante las próximas décadas en la medida que las políticas públicas alienten las inversiones necesarias para consolidarlo”. Así lo indicó el Ing. Pedro Brandi, Presidente del Grupo Construya, al inaugurar en Rosario el Fórum Construya, una jornada de actualización, capacitación y networking organizada por Construya que nucleó a un notable panel de disertantes con 500 arquitectos, desarrolladores, constructores, distribuidores, corredores inmobiliarios y otros profesionales del sector para analizar y compartir las últimas tendencias del sector.

El Grupo Construya es una asociación civil conformada por doce empresas líderes en la producción de materiales de la construcción (Later-Cer-Cerámica Quilmes, FV Grifería de Alta Tecnología, Loma Negra, Cerro Negro, Parexklaukol, Aluar-división elaborados, Acerbrag, Plavicon, Cefas- el milagro, Ferrum, Eternit-durlock y Acqua –system) que surgió en 2002 con los objetivos de promover el crecimiento de la construcción, fomentar la cultura de la calidad en la cadena de valor y generar herramientas de respaldo y servicio a la labor de los distribuidores, los profesionales y los empresarios. En los últimos nueve años las empresas integrantes del Grupo Construya invirtieron un total de u$s500 M e incrementaron su dotación de personal en 42%.

El Mercado de la construcción

El Ing. Pedro Brandi, señaló que desde el año 2002 se recompusieron las expectativas sobre el proceso de recuperación de la inversión en construcción. Así surge del crecimiento del Índice Construya –que releva mensualmente los volúmenes de ventas de los productos de las 12 empresas del Grupo- a un ritmo de 13% equivalente anual en los últimos nueve años, lo que implica que la inversión en construcción logró casi triplicarse. “Y si la medimos en dólares corrientes, la evolución de la inversión en construcción fue más llamativa aún, ya que pasó de apenas u$s7.000 M en 2002 a casi $66.000 M es en el corriente ejercicio”, especificó.

A la hora de proyectar las perspectivas para 2012, el Grupo Construya estima que el sector de la construcción podrá sostener un elevado nivel de actividad en términos históricos. Este año los despachos de cemento portland, principal termómetro de la actividad sectorial, establecerán una nueva marca histórica, ya que se ubicarán por encima de las 11 millones de toneladas. Suponiendo un crecimiento del PBI a un ritmo cuyo piso sería del 3,4% anual, la construcción estaría en condiciones de continuar expandiéndose a un ritmo levemente superior al del PBI total, acumulando un crecimiento total de casi 20% en el próximo quinquenio, y establecer nuevos récords históricos.

En este escenario, las 12 empresas nucleadas en el Grupo Construya cuentan con proyectos de inversión por un total de u$s500 M para el período 2012-2016.

Impulso del Interior

Si bien hoy las regiones de Buenos Aires y Centro son las más importantes en lo referente al volumen total de la actividad, tanto cuando se mide el consumo de cemento como cuando se analizan las superficies autorizadas para construir en los principales municipios, en el medianolargo plazo, la pampa húmeda y las regiones NEA, NOA y Cuyo son las que podrán exhibir las mejores performances, de forma tal que irán ganando importancia en el total de la inversión en construcción.

Las regiones del NOA, Cuyo y NEA, son las que muestran las mayores tasas de crecimiento poblacional, explicando casi la mitad del crecimiento de la población total del país entre los últimos censos y aportando casi 1,8 millones más de habitantes, y también son las regiones que ven crecer más rápidamente sus consumos de cemento portland y la superficie autorizada para construir en sus principales municipios.

Considerando la evolución de los últimos cinco años, período en el cual la actividad de la construcción marcó récords de actividad sucesivos, en el NEA los despachos totales de cemento crecieron 88,6% y este año superarán las 800 mil toneladas anuales. En tanto, las regiones de NOA y Cuyo acumularon subas de 53% - por sobre le promedio nacional-,
alcanzando volúmenes de 1,2 y 0,97 millones de toneladas, respectivamente.

En cambio, dentro de la región Buenos Aires, la Capital Federal viene registrando caídas absolutas casi sistemáticas en los últimos años, tanto en lo que respecta al consumo de cemento como en lo que respecta la aprobación de permisos de construcción. “Claramente,
fuera de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, las oportunidades de inversión en construcción que existen en los principales municipios del país son muchas y muy importantes”, Concluyó Brandi.

En la medida que se mantenga la escasez del financiamiento de largo plazo a tasas razonables, se puede esperar que la inversión en construcción continúe siendo dinamizada por los segmentos de ingresos altos y medio-altos, así como por la inversión pública en vivienda social destinada a los grupos poblacionales de menores ingresos.

La actualidad del mercado rosarino

Durante la mesa redonda “La actualidad del mercado rosarino”, referentes locales del mercado de la construcción como Daniel Verger, (Gerente de Fundar), el arquitecto Gerardo Caballero (Master in Architecture por la Washington University de St. Louis con más de 15 años de experiencia en Rosario), Javier Grandinetti (actual Presidente del Colegio de Corredores Inmobiliarios de Santa Fe, sede Rosario (Cadeiros) y Presidente de la Cámara de Empresas Inmobiliarias de la Ciudad de Rosario) y Marcelo Passardi (especializado en construcción de obras privadas de propiedad horizontal) compartieron su visión y respondieron preguntas del auditorio.

Los disertantes analizaron el crecimiento urbano de la ciudad de Rosario y sus alrededores en el último tiempo, impulsado por varios factores endógenos y externos, como la ubicación estratégica, la gran afluencia de dinero por la soja, la creciente conectividad de la ciudad por autopistas, el puerto, la calidad de vida, etc.

El arquitecto Marcelo Passardi (especializado en construcción de obras privadas de propiedad horizontal), definió a la situación actual del mercado rosarino como de demanda sostenida y baja en la oferta.

Señaló que en Rosario el mercado está activo en cuanto a ahorro e inversión de bienes de capital (aún más que en el resto del país por su ubicación geográfica y la baja de oferta). Sobre la demanda, afirmó que es sostenida y superior que el promedio país, aunque señaló que podría verse afectada por la baja del precio de la soja. Por otro lado, ante la baja de oferta de unidades nuevas y la suba de costos, augura una suba de precios, y una posible satisfacción de la demanda por unidades usadas u otras opciones. Las áreas centrales de la ciudad quedarán para consumo de clientes ABC1, por lo cual se producirá una expulsión hacia las periferias de la primera vivienda y la vivienda social. Esto hará que la demanda se reoriente hacia otros lugares de precios inferiores con iguales o superiores condiciones de habitabilidad.

En tanto Javier Grandinetti resaltó la amplitud del mercado rosarino, que excede al área metropolitana de Rosario y se extiende hasta las islas del Paraná al este, hasta Arroyo Seco al Sur, Roldán al Oeste y Maciel al norte. Asimismo, destacó la amplitud del área del mercado de demanda, a toda la provincia de Santa Fe, centro y norte de Buenos Aires, sur y este de Córdoba, la provincia de Entre Ríos y las provincias del Litoral norte. Destacó como oportunidades que presenta el mercado la baja densidad de edificación de la ciudad, la gran alternativa de productos, la calidad de vida que ofrece, la potencialidad de alto crecimiento, la matriz productiva en desarrollo y la creciente articulación público privada. Sin embargo, marcó que el comportamiento del precio de los commodities, la desaceleración de la economía, los cambios en las políticas fiscales y la política cambiaria son hoy amenazas para el futuro del sector.

PARAGUAY: Despacho llega a 37.000 bolsas de cemento

La Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) disminuyó este diciembre el despacho de material de construcción en alrededor de 9.400 bolsas por día.

Según datos de gerencia comercial, en noviembre se despachó un promedio de 46.400 bolsas de cemento por día, mientras que la cifra actual llega apenas a las 37.000 bolsas.

El gerente comercial de la estatal, Gustavo Ortiz, afirmó que INC cuenta con suficiente clínker para producir cemento durante diciembre. La idea es retomar la producción del insumo antes de fin de mes, ya que el horno está paralizado desde el 16 de noviembre pasado.

Sin embargo, la reactivación de la producción está sujeta a tres condicionantes. Primero, la llegada del fueloíl para el funcionamiento del horno; segundo, que se acaben las reparaciones y mantenimientos que se están realizando desde hace semanas y, tercero, la decisión de los funcionarios, quienes amenazaron con no producir clínker si el Senado no les repone sus beneficios.

AFRICA: Afrimat acquires Clinker Supplies

Key operations are close to Vereeniging and Sasolburg, support services based in Alrode, also a unit close to the recently acquired Glen Douglas mine

MATERIALS supplier Afrimat has acquired 100% of the issued ordinary share capital of SA Block and its 100%-owned subsidiary, Clinker Supplies, for R123,5m, in line with its strategy of seeking out new avenues for growth.

Afrimat CEO Andries van Heerden said yesterday the acquisition presented a "unique" opportunity to generate further revenue through new product development, as well as a refined, focused marketing strategy. He said the Clinker group had a profit after tax of R30 m, which would equate to a return on equity for Afrimat of 24% a year.

Mr van Heerden said the acquisition also provided Afrimat with a hedge against the volatile, cyclical nature of the aggregates industry. "Due to clinker’s distinct characteristics, which are difficult to substitute, it has proven resistant to market fluctuations," he said.

Clinker is involved in the extraction of clinker raw material from various stockpiles and the processing into products of various specifications, primarily for use in the concrete manufacturing industry.

Its key operations are close to Vereeniging and Sasolburg, with support services based in Alrode. Mr van Heerden said there was a Clinker operation close to the recently acquired Glen Douglas Mine, creating "exciting" synergy opportunities.

Afrimat, which operates 25 open-cast mines, one metallurgical dolomite mine and six sand mines, said its strategy was to focus on small-scale infrastructure projects.

Mr van Heerden said the group was well positioned, given its cash-flush position and some acquisition opportunities.

Afrimat, which operates 18 ready-mix concrete plants, eight precast concrete brick and block factories, also offers transport, drilling and blasting services.

Monday, December 12, 2011

INDIA: Cement demand likely to grow by 4.5% in FY12: RK Global

Cement giants ACC, Ambuja and UltraTech together, reported a 14% Y-o-Y growth in the dispatches for the month of Nov-2011 to 6.7 mn tons. However, the dispatches reported a 6.1% sequential decline in volumes. The decline in the dispatches reflects the impact of slow-down seen across the business activity,`` said RK Global Research.

The cement industry delivered yet another month of resilient performance with dispatches growing by 5.2% y-o-y to 10.6mnt. Cement dispatches have registered an average growth of 11% since Nov`10 mainly on account of languish demand from rural housing and Govt. infrastructure spending. Ambuja witnessed high dispatch growth of 25.4% Y-o-Y. UltraTech dispatch growth for November stood at 16.3% Y-o-Y, while ACC was the laggard in the pack registering growth of 5.2% Y-o-Y.

Price impact

All-India cement prices continue to remain inversely related to dispatches as players adhere to strict supply discipline. Cement prices have increased by an average of Rs 18 per bag. On regional basis northern region have witnessed an increased by Rs 8 per bag in Nov`11. During the month, the average price increased by Rs 8 per bag to Rs 263 per bag in Delhi. Cement availability has increased and prices have remained constant. Bookings for non-trade sector have commenced and the prices in the segment are higher than that for trade segment. Cement price in the eastern region has sequentially increased fourth month, with a latest increase by Rs 20 per bag to Rs 265. Price in western, southern and central region stood at Rs 260, Rs 255 and Rs 240 respectively per bag, with no major price movement during the month.

Industry outlook

All-India cement demand is expected to grow by 4.5% in FY12E against 4.4% in FY11 as demand from the housing and infrastructure segments to remain under pressure on account of key issues like rising cost of capital, land acquisition and clearances and unavailability of key raw materials like coal to the manufacturing industry, the consumption has been subdued during the year and grew by 3.9% Y-o-Y in April-November 2011. However, the slowdown in construction activities would remain a key concern. The utilization rate is expected to decline further to 73% in FY12E and would remain at the same level in FY13E on account of high additions in effective capacity as against incremental demand. For FY13E, we expect the utilization rate to remain at 75%. However, it is expected to start improving from H2FY`13E onwards as incremental demand is likely to keep pace with the additions in effective capacities. The cement industry which offers high visibility of revenue and earnings in phase of high growth typically loses its shine during the time of economic slowdown.

UltraTech Cement

On a cumulative basis (April-November 2011), dispatches of the company remained flat at 24.8MT on account of low demand across the country particularly in the southern region, where the company has good exposure. 
> UltraTech reported a decline of -3% M-o-M in its dispatches for November at 3.1 MT. On Y-o-Y basis the company dispatch volume grew 16%. 

> The production in the last month has decreased by 7.1% M-o-M to 3.0 MT. The cumulative production during the April-November period of this year remained flat at 25 MT, a increase on merely 1.1%.

ACC Cement

ACC continued its impressive performance in terms of volume growth. The company`s dispatches for Nov`11 beg off 7% M-o-M to 1.83 MT. Its cumulative sales during the April-November period stood at 15.4MT, improving by 11% compared to same period last year. 

> ACC`s production in the last month declined by 10.3% M-o-M to 1.8 MT, while during April- November Period, volume increased by 11.2% to 15.3 MT. 

> Robust volume growth was due to combined effect of low base in 2010 and commencement of new capacity of 3 MT per annum in December last year and new addition which began fully operational from September 2011.

Ambuja Cement

Ambuja Cement reported a positive growth in dispatches for the second consecutive month in the current financial year. It had registered a decline in the dispatches in the first three months of FY11. 

> The company has registered a 2.8% volume growth in November 2011 to 1.83MT. Cumulative volumes (Apr-Nov 2011) improved by 6.5% to 13.7MT. 

> The production for the month increased by 0.5% M-o-M to 1.8MT. On a cumulative basis (April-Nov 2011) production increased to 13.5MT, showing an increase of 3.5%.

JP Associates

Jaiprakash Associates outperformed its peers in terms of volume growth. It witnessed 12.8% M-o-M volume growth during the last month and the dispatches stood at 1.59MT. 

> The cumulative sales during April-Nov period improve by 14.3% Y-o-Y to 11.3MT.

PHILIPPINES: Cement firm goes beyond green

Going green has become the new buzz word for many companies who are now adopting environmental sustainability programs as part of their corporate social responsibility.

At a time when the Philippines is at its most vulnerable to natural calamities, it is but the right moment for businesses to start thinking green.

But one multinational company is aiming to address not just the environmental sustainability of the community but its economic and social sustainability as well.

Swiss-based cement company Holcim Ltd. through its non-profit organization Holcim Foundation said it is committed to support the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the community through its centerpiece Sustainable Construction.

“We have five target issues namely, Progress, People, Planet, Prosperity and Proficiency,” Holcim Foundation general manager for Sustainable Construction Edward Schwarz told The Star in an interview.

“As the global provider of building materials, sustainable constr

ction is our obligation, it requires that the present generation meets its needs without limiting the opportunities of future generations. For an approach to enable long-term viability, it must integrate economic, environmental and social impacts, the three elements of the triple bottom line,” he said.

Schwarz stressed that the construction industry can contribute greatly to global sustainability “because everything that is built shapes the way people live today, and in the future.”

“Buildings account for up to 40 percent of primary energy consumption. Handling building design and management, material selection, and also energy and resource consumption in a sustainable manner would be a significant step toward ecologically and responsible development,” said Schwarz.

“In addition, advanced responses in terms of ethical and social responsibility and financially feasible projects that provide long-term economic benefits illustrate the important role that architecture, engineering, urban planning and construction have in achieving a more sustainable future,” he stressed.

Raising awareness on the importance of sustainable construction among professionals and the public is the Foundation’s main objective.

“We want to promote a mindset that views sustainability not only in terms of immense technical challenges, but that also incorporates architectural excellence and leads to a higher quality of life,” he says.

Here in the Philippines , Holcim has already implemented a number of initiatives that highlight Holcim Foundation's sustainable Construction.

Among these are the Holcim Journalism Awards which aims to educate the public about the importance and meaning of what sustainable construction is all about, and the Holcim coffee talks which enjoins local government units and local business companies to support Sustainable Construction in their communities.

“We are trying to raise awareness about Sustainable Construction, that there is necessity and building for the next generation. We want many people to be aware about making sure that resources for construction will still benefit the future generation, Sustainability goes beyond the environment, it should be holistic for the people and progress as well ” said Beng Prado, Vice-President for Corporate Communications.

ETHIOPIA: Ethiopia's Biggest Cement Plant to Start Output This Month

Derba MIDROC Cement Plc, Ethiopia’s biggest cement factory, said it will start production within the “next 10 days,” helping end a shortage of the building material in Africa’s fourth-largest economy.

The $351 million plant, about 70 kilometers (44 miles) northwest of the capital, Addis Ababa, will produce 8,000 metric tons of the building material daily by February, said Chief Executive Officer Haile Assegide. Derba is part of the MIDROC Ethiopia group owned by Mohammed al-Amoudi, an Ethiopian-born Saudi Arabian billionaire who is one of the biggest investors in the Horn of Africa nation.

Once output begins, Ethiopia “will be self-sufficient for the coming two to three years” in cement, Haile said in an interview at the site on Dec. 1.

Ethiopia, a net importer of cement, plans to boost output ten-fold by mid-2015 to 27 million tons, according to the government. The Derba plant will add 2.5 million tons per year, while expansions to Mesobo Building Materials Production Plc, owned by the country’s ruling party, and state-owned Mugher Cement Enterprise will add another 1 million, it said.

Dangote Cement Plc, Nigeria’s biggest company by market value, said in October it plans to invest $400 million in an Ethiopian factory with the capacity to produce 1.5 million tons per year.

Derba Cement, built by China National Building Material Co., may earn more than 2 billion birr ($115.9 million) annually, Project Manager Tadesse Kebede said in an interview at the site. “If everything goes well it will be a cash cow,” he said.


Al-Amoudi’s company invested $100 million in the operation, with the European Investment Bank, the African Development Bank, the International Finance Corp. and the Development Bank of Ethiopia providing the rest of the funds.

The project was delayed for “almost one year” because obtaining the loans took longer than expected, Tadesse said. “To work with multilateral banks is very difficult,” he said.

The factory, which took 3 1/2 years to complete, will require as much as 60 megawatts of electricity from the national grid, Haile said. The company paid for transmission lines and a sub-station to power the plant, according to Haile.

AFRICA: NIGERIA: Dangote provides 70% of Nigeria ’s cement as producers target 20million MT by 2012

With the addition of six million metric tons (MT) of cement to be generated from the new Ibese Cement Plant in Ogun State , the Dangote Group is expected to provide 70% of the total target of 20 million metric tons from all cement producing companies in Nigeria.

Aliko Dangote, President of Dangote Group, while conducting the Ogun State governor, Ibikunle Amosun round the six million tons per annum capacity facility, said the Ibese new cement plant is expected to provide over 7,000 jobs.

“The national consumption hovers around 18 million tons per annum and by the first quarter of next year, all the cement companies in the country would have been producing up to 20million tons per annum, with the Dangote Cement accounting for over 70 per cent of it,” Dangote noted.

Dangote said the opportunities would come both through direct and indirect jobs, while also promising to continue to lead other investors to ensure Nigeria becomes an industrial giant nation that is self-sufficient in production, rather than being a leader in importation.

He assured that with his Group’s massive investments in cement production would enable Nigerians enjoy reduced prices, while the nation would become exporter of the commodity to other countries.

Business Day gathered that the firm’s expansion project in Obajana, Kogi State , and the construction of Ibese Cement Plant would inject about 17 million tons into the market annually. The company has already commenced the construction of some facilities to actualise the export dream.

But by first quarter of 2012, with expansion projects going on in both Dangote Group and Lafarge, which are major cement manufacturers in the country, production is expected to reach 20 metric tones.

He further observed that his continuous investment in Nigeria and the rest of Africa was borne out of the fact that the country was a fertile ground for investment and that no one outside Africa would be genuinely determined to develop Africa except Africans themselves.

He explained the efforts put into the multi- million dollar plant as worthy when perceived from the standpoint of the fact that there is the need for job and wealth creation in the country adding that these two critical necessities could only be achieved through manufacturing.

The Dangote President pledged that he would look into other areas where the group could further create jobs and wealth for the citizenry and that agriculture holds the ace. He further stated that he has invested in some other areas in agriculture like fertiliser, to help the farmers and to provide jobs, while striving to create an industrial giant nation through investments in manufacturing.

He appealed to the Ogun State government to help in the provision of security for the investments, saying though the host community of Ibese and others have been very cooperative, government should help in putting in place security arrangements for the business to thrive.

Joseph Makoju, Chairman of the Cement Manufacturers Association of Nigeria had earlier told Business Day that the manufacturers do not expect less that 60% performance from most of the new plants in 2012. “Investments in the industry are ongoing and if the government continues with the strict implementation of the backward integration policy, our expectation is that more new entrants will come into the business of cement manufacturing and the present tempo of growth in the cement industry will be sustained”.

CHINA: Conch Cement Ups Stake In Jidong Cement

Anhui Conch Cement (600585,0914.HK) upped its stake in Tangshan Jidong Cement (000401) during the September-December period, purchasing a total of 60.69 million shares, or five percent of the latter's total equity, reports China Securities Journal, citing a company filing.

Through December 7, Conch Cement held a a total of 183 million shares, or a 15.05 percent stake, in Jidong Cement.

Conch Cement had purchased 9.34 million shares in September at prices ranging from between 14.88 yuan and 16.5 yuan per share, before acquiring another 13.35 million shares in October at 15.26 -16.5 yuan per share.

Conch Cement bought 17.95 million shares at 15-16.51 yuan per share in November, and bought 5.1 million shares at between 15 yuan and 15.9 yuan per share during the first five trading sessions in December.

Conch Cement had previously acquired shares of Jidong Cement in August 2008 and April 2010.

According to Anhui Conch Cement, the stake purchases were a commercial decision, and whether it will further up its stake in Jidong Cement in future will depend on the company's future development and the level of its share price.

Separately, Conch Cement had purchased equity stakes in Gansu Qilianshan Cement Group (600720), Fujian Cement(600802), Henan Tongli Cement (000885), Huaxin Cement (600801,900933) and Jiangxi Wannianqing Cement (000789) in 2008.

PAKISTAN: Cement industry may be allowed to use 'tyre-derived fuel'

The government is likely to allow the cement industry to use 'Tyre Derived Fuel' (TDF), which is a mix of about 80-88 percent carbon and oxygen, official sources told Business Recorder.

Pakistan has 29 cement plants with total installed capacity of 44 million tons. The shortage of natural gas and increasing cost of oil and coal has adversely affected cement production in the country.

The cement entrepreneurs are exploring different venues to supplement their fuel requirement for bringing down their cost of production. One of the options for them is to use certain percentage of old tyres, in shredded form, as fuel, as being practised in other countries. A number of cement units have approached the federal and provincial environmental protection agencies for issuance of consent under local, national and international obligations for import, processing and use of TDF.

Sources said that the objective of these guidelines is how to use TDF as supplementary fuel in cement manufacturing and prescribed procedures for monitoring of emissions.

These guidelines are reference document for using TDF in cement industry whether imported or local and owned by public or private sectors. These guidelines provide the minimum requirements that a cement industry should meet.

The following definitions shall be based in these guidelines, unless there is anything repugnant in subject context or contrary to the Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997, rules, regulation and standards made thereunder.

A) "Authorised officer" means an officer authorised by the Federal or Provincial Government for the purposes of these Guidelines.

b) "certified laboratory" means any laboratory certified under the National Environmental Quality Standards (Certification of Environmental Laboratories) Regulations, 2000.

c) "consignment" means a batch of TDF procured under a purchase order;

d) DNA means 'designated national authority'.

e) "pollution control device" means a device installed at cement kiln to filter or remove particulate matter and 'other emissions' which may include electrostatic precipitator or a bag-house filter.

f) "storage area" means a site where TDF is accumulated within a structure that is not completely enclosed; and which comply with guidelines and relevant local/national laws.

g) 'TDF'means a fuel that is derived from end of life scrap tyres by completely shredding/cutting them into pieces for use as supplemental fuel.

The import in the country is governed by the Import Policy as announced by the Federal Government from time to time and 'the international conventions and protocols to which Pakistan is a party'.

No cement unit is allowed to import, or use, TDF without obtaining consent from the concerned Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Designated National Authority (DNA) of the related international convention/protocol. The following criteria and standards will apply to award consent to the cement unit desirous to import or use TDF in the country:

A clean TDF is composed of about 80-88 percent of carbon and oxygen, which accounts for its rapid combustion and relatively high heating value in the range of 7000-8000 kcal/kg. Cement unit will procure clean, properly sized (2 inches), high-energy-content tyre derived fuel as far as possible. Each consignment of TDF will be accompanied by a certificate from DNA of the exporting country, verifying that the consignment of TDF does not contain or is contaminated with hazardous substances or wastes as defined in Annexure IX of the Basel Convention. The procedures laid down in the Basel Convention will be followed in the import of TDF. The Authorised Officer of EPA will check quality of TDF as and when deems necessary.

The transportation and storage arrangements for TDF will be done in accordance with the Environment Management Plan. In addition, the cement industry should modify its fire fighting plan and procedure to include and respond to the potential fire risks and hazards associated with transportation storage, and usage of TDF. Special attention should be given to the fire protection measures on the feeding end of the cement kiln.

Normally, a cement unit utilises 15-30 percent TDF of the total heat input. The exact maximum quantity shall be determined after carrying out emission tests at individual unit through third party under supervision of concerned EPA. No cement unit will be allowed to use TDF quantity beyond the limit set out. However, cement units can be allowed to use a greater proportion of TDF provided they improve performance of pollution control system and after re-checking emission levels by concerned EPA.

Each cement factory will get its feeding system and pollution control technologies/equipment inspected before the use of TDF as fuel. For this purpose, a joint team comprising of the representatives of DNA and concerned EPA, within 15 working days from the receipt of inspection request, will assess the facilities of the cement unit and will witness the test trial of use of TDF.

Uncontrolled and disproportionate feeding of TDF could lead to toxic emission of gases from kiln stack. There is need to properly install automatic TDF feeding/weighing system and maintain record. In case of higher concentrations than the emission limits mentioned in the Guidelines are observed due to tripping or malfunctioning of pollution control device of the kiln, the TDF feeding system should automatically stop immediately.

Two operating conditions viz, operating temperature and retention time, are of utmost importance for avoiding production of dioxin and furan. Operating temperature in cement kiln, which is over 1550°C, and retention time of 3 to 6 seconds in above 1200°C, is well suited for the safe and efficient consumption of TDF.

The level of emissions from any furnace / kiln is highly dependent on the way it is operated and process is controlled. In general, emissions are likely to increase when operated in unstable conditions. Emissions being released from the burning of TDF in uncontrolled and controlled conditions are different. In the former case, TDF burning, especially at low temperatures, causes generation of highly toxic gases and compounds like Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxin/furan, hydrogen chloride, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Metals such as arsenic, cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium, and vanadium are also emitted. Exposure to emissions from tyre burning in uncontrolled conditions could cause irritation of skin, eyes, and, mucous membrane, central nervous system, depression, respiratory disorders and cancer.

In Pakistan, almost all cement units are equipped with some kind of anti-pollution devices to control emission of gases and particulate matter. The majority of the cement units are fitted with electrostatic precipitators (EPs). Some units frequently come across tripping or breakdown of Eps, causing "excessive emission of kiln flue gases and particles. Under this condition, use of TDF as fuel would allow free emission of toxic gases. Much emphasis, therefore, should be given on performance of pollution control devices while using TDF as fuel. Besides, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers should be used where required to clean out hazardous gases--Benzene, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) or Ploy Chlorinate Biphenyl (PCB). All anti-pollution devices should be kept in good operating condition.

It is desirable that cement industry using TDF should have in-house capacity for measuring levels of conventional pollutants like PM, CO, NOx, SO2, THC using reliable emission analysers. The staff should be trained to independently check emission of heavy metals as prescribed in the above standards. In absence of the facility, the services of EPAs or approved/laboratories certified under Certification of Environmental Laboratories Regulations 2000 should be acquired for monitoring the emission, including heavy metals.

Every cement unit burning TDF will be registered under self-monitoring and reporting tool (SMART) with concerned EPA. Cement industry will monitor the level of PM, CO, NOx, SO2 and THC using own reliable online emission analysers and maintain record and also report the same to the concerned EPA in accordance with the frequency mention in the table under heading "emission limits".

Cement industry will also include the following information and report to the concerned EPA on monthly basis; (i) quantity of TDF imported; (ii) quantity of TDF used; (iii) quantity of local TDF used[ and (iii) amount of coal/fuel used.

Cement industry desiring utilidation of TDF will prepare a detailed EMP and submit to the concerned EPA. The EMP will be prepared considering these Guidelines as well as the obligations under the prevailing environmental laws.

The management may invite public representatives and duly brief them about their plan for using TDF. The community should be educated on the pollution control measures while using TDF

CUBA: Cementos Cienfuegos SA: Eficiencia sin daños al medio Ambiente

Unas 15 mil toneladas de Dióxido de Carbono (CO2), ha dejado de emitir a la atmósfera durante el 2011 la Empresa Cementos CienfuegosSA, la cifra representa además, el ahorro de 468 mil pesos convertibles al país por el uso adecuado de portadores energéticos y una mayor eficacia operacional.

Durante la etapa que cierra, la empresa líder en la fabricación de cemento enCuba, ratificó su estabilidad en el mejoramiento continuo de la eficiencia y calidad ambiental, al consumir un uno por ciento menos de energía eléctrica y de combustible pet coke, en comparación con el 2010. Resultados que se derivan del acomodamiento de las cargas y también de la automatización y optimización del proceso productivo.

“Con la reducción del consumo de energía eléctrica durante el 2011 se dejaron de emitir a la atmósfera 360 toneladas de Dióxido de carbono y se ahorraron al país, por esta vía unos 68 mil CUC. Asimismo con la eficiencia en las operaciones productivas dejamos de utilizar 4000 toneladas de combustible pet coke, evitando la emisión de 14 666 toneladas de Dióxido de carbono a la atmósfera y ahorrando 400 mil CUC,” comentó Leonardo Cabrera, Gerente de Planta.

La instalación de 90 filtros, es otra de las acciones realizadas también por la empresa a favor del medio ambiente: “Estos sistemas tienen una elevada efectividad y devuelven al ciclo productivo el 25 por ciento de la materia prima, además de que permiten la emisión de un aire mucho más limpio a la atmósfera”, explicó José Luis Romero, Especialista en Medioambiente de la entidad cienfueguera.

Contribución por varios años de Cementos Cienfuegos SA en la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, una de las demandas del protocolo de Kyoto, cuya posible ratificación permanece aún en suspenso en la cumbre de Durban.

REPUBLICA DOMINICANA: Desciende en 24% consumo de cemento en periodo 2006-2011

El consumo de cemento ha descendido en alrededor de 24 por ciento en el período 2006-2011, que sin lugar a dudas deja una profunda huella en el sector que lo produce en el país. Primicias, en la continuación de los trabajos especializados sobre la industria nacional, pone gran interés en la situación por la que atraviesan en estos momentos las empresas productoras de cemento y acude con puntualidad a las actividades de ADOCEM para buscar detalles inéditos de esa importante industria. 

Ese sector transita en la actualidad un proceso de reflexión, explicó a los presentes en un coctel de navidad el presidente de la Asociación Dominicana de Productores de Cemento (ADOCEM), ingeniero Eduardo Oller.

Oller dice con franqueza que desafortunadamente, a pesar de los esfuerzos de ADOCEM en lograr un ritmo de crecimiento adecuado en el desempeño de la industria del cemento, el año 2011 terminará con un saldo negativo, sumando un año más a los seis años recesivos consecutivos (2006-2011).

“No obstante, esto no ha significado cambios en las cuantiosas inversiones que requiere nuestro proceso productivo, en el continuo incremento de costos de los diferentes insumos, ni ha minimizado los recursos que nuestra industria invierte dentro del sector industrial nacional”, explica Oller.

Mas adelante, agrega que la construcción si bien se trata de un sector que determina en buena medida el ritmo de la economía nacional, a su vez está directamente influenciada por ella y es obligación como parte de esta columna vertebral del sistema económico del país, compartir la relevancia de las apuestas del sector, sus compromisos y desafíos por delante.

“Las circunstancias de carácter macroeconómicas, así como persistentes políticas de inversión, son necesarias para sacudir los índices de consumo de nuestra industria. Por ejemplo, de unos índices de consumo per cápita que rondaba los 400 kg por persona, actualmente es de 280 kg, lo que equivale a una disminución de un 30 por ciento en este indicativo. Es por esto que para lograr una industria local sólida y prominente deben adecuarse las variables financieras que promuevan la inversión en productos habitacionales e inversiones de otros tipos”, puntualiza Oller.

Explica que uno de los factores de más incidencia para nuestro sector lo constituyen los tipos de interés y las facilidades de financiación y entiende que dentro de los objetivos de las políticas monetarias y fiscales, debe ser prioritario, el que en nuestro país existan tasas mucho mas competitivas.

Al abordar el consumo de cemento, Oller lo considera como uno de los indicadores más representativos del desenvolvimiento de la construcción, por lo que en base a los paramentros de ADOCEM, es evidente que hoy en día la industria de la construcción en República Dominicana tiene todavía un largo trecho que recorrer para volver a los niveles de años anteriores.

Oller considera que es un desafío para todos los integrantes de este sector la necesidad de establecer un horizonte de desarrollo de la construcción de mediano plazo en función de predecir la demanda y retos que enfrentarán y así poder dar una respuesta adecuada, lograda a través de una reactivación de la obra pública y un escenario de diálogo y trabajo coordinado entre ADOCEM y los demás participantes en la cadena de productividad de la construcción.

El presidente de ADOCEM coincide con casi todos los sectores de importancia nacional en que se requiere una transformación profunda de la manera de hacer las cosas, de que no podemos limitarnos a hacer mejor lo que hemos venido haciendo hasta ahora, sino que como país hay que identificar nuevas estrategias para definir y alcanzar objetivos prioritarios.

Para ADOCEM-explico Oller-hay tres áreas claves para apoyar un crecimiento sostenible e inclusivo: educación, infraestructura y desarrollo productivo e innovación. 

Oller amplía diciendo que “somos un país con una demanda creciente de infraestructura y vivienda que necesita aprovechar eficientemente sus recursos y además desarrollar su industria local para competir en un mundo global, y esta claro que no podemos hacer un verdadero despegue divorciado de los sectores productivos que como el nuestro, ha demostrado tener la capacidad de invertir , de generar empleos, asumir riesgos y dinamizar otros sectores que están íntimamente encadenados a nuestra industria”.

Y agregó mas adelante que las empresas que conforman ADOCEM se han caracterizado por las propuestas innovadoras, que invierten constantemente en mejorar la calidad de sus productos, en la investigación, en mejores garantías, en asistencia y servicio.

En el acto, celebrado en un restaurante del Ensanche Piantini, disertó el economista Eduardo García Michel, de Ecocaribe, cuyos detalles ofreceremos con la amplitud que amerita en la próxima edición de Primicias.