Tuesday, June 12, 2012

VENEZUELA: Alta demanda de cemento y cabilla demuestra crecimiento económico del paísVEN

La alta demanda en el mercado interno venezolano de rubros como cabillas y cemento es una demostración del gran crecimiento que vive el país en sectores como la construcción de viviendas y la ejecución de obras de infraestructura, aseguró el ministro para Energía Eléctrica, Héctor Navarro.

El ministro hizo esta afirmación en el marco de una visita de inspección a las obras de la Central Hidroeléctrica Manuel Carlos Piar, realizada este miércoles por una delegación de alto nivel de la República Popular China.

En esta inspección estuvieron presentes el titular de la cartera eléctrica, así como el ministro de Planificación, Jorge Giordani; el presidente de la Corporación Eléctrica Nacional (Corpoelec), Argenis Chávez, y la presidenta del Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Socialista (Bandes), Edmeé Betancourt.

Señaló que el Gobierno Nacional, con apoyo de países como China, ha venido ejecutando grandes obras hidroeléctricas, termoeléctricas, de vivienda, vialidad e infraestructura que generan una altísima demanda de acero y cemento.

Héctor Navarro destacó que tan solo la Central Tocoma requiere para su culminación más de 10 mil toneladas de cabillas.

"Obras como ésta y la Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela (GMVV) están consumiendo inmensas cantidades de cabilla, piedra, cemento y mano de obra, lo que es un índice que sólo se ve en países que tienen un alto nivel de desarrollo", apuntó.

Destacó además el impacto social de estas inversiones, especialmente en la generación de empleos y en la mejora de la calidad de vida de la población.

Igualmente, señaló que este crecimiento del sector construcción en el país está vinculado al fortalecimiento de los lazos con países de Latinoamérica, Europa y Asia que ha fomentado el Gobierno del presidente Hugo Chávez Frías.

"Tocoma es una obra latinoamericana, pues convoca en su ejecución a empresas de Argentina, China, Brasil y de otros países, además de gran cantidad de talentos venezolanos", refirió.

ESPAÑA:Lafarge anuncia el despido de 20 empleados en Sagunto

La fábrica de cementos de Sagunto, Lafarge, anunció un ERE de veinte de sus empleados de la planta que tienen en el Camp de Morvedre.

15 de los despedidos pertenecían a la antigua empresa de Eurocen que tuvieron que asumir después de una sentencia judicial. Tras incorporar a los 51 trabajadores de Eurocen Europea de Contratas SA a la plantilla de Lafarge como consecuencia de la sentencia emitida por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Valencia el pasado 18 de mayo, sólo tres semanas después anuncian el despido de una parte de los mismos, así como otros cinco empleados que pertenecían ya a Lafarge. La empresa emitió un comunicado en el que informaba que «después de un detenido análisis sobre la organización necesaria en la fábrica para asegurar su viabilidad, en el contexto actual de dramática caída del consumo de cemento, se ha tomado la difícil decisión de prescindir de 20 trabajadores. Todos ellos contarán con el apoyo de una agencia de recolocación».

Lafarge aduce que cuenta ahora con 31 nuevos puestos de trabajo con relación a la plantilla existente antes de la sentencia.

AFRICA: TUNISIE: les Ciments de Bizerte entament la phase 2 du PMN

La direction générale de la société « Ciments de Bizerte » a convié, mercredi 6 juin 2012, un groupe d’actionnaires, d’analystes financiers, d’intermédiaires en bourse et de journalistes pour une visite guidée de ses unités de production sis à la baie de Sabra, sur les bords sud du lac de Bizerte.

Nullement pour une promenade de santé, l’environnement étant peu propice au farniente. C’était plutôt pour que les hôtes puissent se rendre compte de visu et in situ de l’avancement des travaux de la phase II du projet de mise à niveau des unités de production de l’usine, baptisé PMN II. 

Auparavant, M. Brahim Sanaâ, président directeur général de la société, entouré de tout son staff administratif, financier et technique a mis cette visite dans son contexte avant de faire un exposé magistral sur les différentes étapes et aspects techniques du programme de mise à niveau dont la concrétisation a pris un retard certain : « Depuis que la société est cotée en bourse, nous nous étions engagés, dans notre «business plan» à réaliser ce programme de mise à niveau à l’effet d’augmenter notre production. Plusieurs événements successifs nous ont obligés à repousser le projet, ce qui a été interprété par nos partenaires et actionnaires comme une incapacité de notre part à tenir nos engagements, d’où la naissance d’une crise de confiance envers l’entreprise. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes en mesure d’annoncer que tout a été mis en place pour mener ce projet à son terme ».

Selon le PDG de « Ciments de Bizerte », ce programme de mise à niveau va permettre de porter la capacité de production de 1 million de tonnes de ciments à 1,5 million par an. Cet objectif sera atteint après rénovation du four II qui bénéficiera d’une nouvelle technologie. Quant au four I, M. Sanaâ pense pouvoir annoncer une opération de sa reconversion pour la fabrication éventuelle de ciment HRS -Ciment prise mer-.

Les investissements mobilisés pour la réalisation du PMN II sont estimés à 139,434 millions de dinars, MDT, outre 95 MDT alloués à des projets d’accompagnement. Ces derniers concernent l’acquisition et le renouvellement d’équipements ainsi que le développement des installations du quai pour l’exportation du ciment, pour le chargement des produits et déchargement des navires de clinker et coke de pétrole. Il est à remarquer que la société « Ciments de Bizerte » dispose de cet avantage unique de posséder son propre quai. 

D’autre part et selon le directeur des études et des réalisations, il est prévu que les travaux prendraient fin et que le nouveau four entrerait en exploitation à la fin juin 2013.

A la question de savoir si l’intention se dirigeait vraiment vers une privatisation de l’entreprise, M. Sanaâ a précisé que cette intention n’existe pas actuellement mais qu’il appelle de ses vœux une privatisation de la gestion de l’entreprise, ce qui aurait pour effet une gouvernance plus efficace sur la gestion budgétaire et une plus grande efficience par rapport aux concurrents du secteur.

PERU: Cementeras avanzan planes por más de US$ 500 millones

Cementos Lima prevé operar planta modernizada en Atocongo en primer semestre del 2013. Cementos Portland aún realiza trámites para instalar planta en Pachacámac.

El dinamismo en las actividades inmobiliarias, infraestructura y construcción beneficia a las cementeras locales, quienes preparan inversiones que suman más de US$ 510 millones, para afrontar la mayor demanda.

Cementos LimaPara este año Cementos Lima está enfocada en culminar la ejecución del proyecto de modernización de su planta industrial de Atocongo, en Villa María del Triunfo, inversión de US$ 200 millones, que permitirá reducir el consumo de agua y energía por tonelada de cemento producido.

El avance general de la ejecución del proyecto está en un 70%. Operará con el nuevo sistema a partir del primer trimestre del 2013.

Cemex PerúVoceros de Cemex comentaron que la empresa ha incrementado el ensacado local de cemento para satisfacer mejor el crecimiento del mercado. Cemex Perú evalúa también la introducción de nuevos productos e indicó que, hasta mayo, sus ventas aumentaron un 12% con respecto al mismo periodo del 2011.

“Sobre nuevas inversiones para el 2012, aún no podemos dar más detalles porque están relacionadas a la instalación de la planta que por ahora sigue siendo información confidencial”, afirmó la empresa. El proyecto de Cemex está estimado hasta en US$ 100 millones.

Las inversiones de Cementos Portland (proyecto de Votorantim y Bío Bío)por US$ 180 millones en la zona sur de Lima (Pachacámac) también es otro proyecto en avance.

Se supo que a la fecha se realizan nuevos trámites para la reubicación de la planta, tales como modificaciones ante el Ministerio de Energía y Minas y un cambio de zonificación en algunos espacios del proyecto, de industria ligera a industria pesada.

Cementos PacasmayoEn el primer trimestre los activos fijos de Cementos Pacasmayo, del Grupo Hochschild, aumentaron en S/. 44.5 millones (alrededor de US$ 16.6 millones) por la ampliación de la planta de cemento en Rioja y Pacasmayo y la construcción de la planta de ladrillos de diatomita.

Cemento AndinoCemento Andino invirtió S/. 41.3 millones (unos US$ 15.4 millones) durante el primer trimestre, y se continuó con la ejecución de la nueva línea de producción Horno 4, cuyas operaciones habrían iniciado en abril.

Cementos Yura 
Holding Cementero del Sur, del Grupo Gloria- realizó proyectos de inversión en activos fijos (nueva línea de producción N° 3) que aumentó la producción de clinker.


Cemento gris. Un reporte de Cemento Andino indica que las importaciones de cemento gris realizada por terceros entre enero-marzo 2012 fueron de 153,224 tm. Sostuvo que la mayor parte del cemento se dirigió a la costa central importada por Cemex. Cemento Andino indica que estas importaciones se hacen “con precios de dumping reconocido pero no sancionado por Indecopi”.


2.94 MILLONES DE TM fueron los despachos cementeros de fábricas nacionales de enero a abril, según Asocem.

DENUNCIOS mineros están a nombre de las cementeras locales en todo el país.

TONELADAS fue el volumen de cemento exportado entre enero y abril de este año.

INDIA: cement under ACC trademark

The Delhi High Court has restrained three cement firms of Uttar Pradesh and Punjab from producing or selling their product under the trade mark of leading
cement manufacturer Associated Cement Companies (ACC) Ltd. The court also appointed a three-member team including a lawyer as court commissioner to inspect their stores in Gorakhpur, Sirhind and Kapurthala.

Justice Kailash Gambhir passed the interim order accepting the argument of ACC's counsel Purushottam Mishra that Ajay Kumar Jaiswal, proprietor of Jaiswal Cement Store of Gorakhpur in UP, Harpreet Singh of Sirhind and Daler Singh of Kapurthala in Punjab have been manufacturing spurious ACC cement and selling them under its trade mark, violating the Intellectual Properties Act.

"The plaintiff has made out a prima facie case in their favour and refusal to grant ex-parte and interim injunction will cause prejudice to the rights of the plaintiff. The balance of convenience also lies in favour of the plaintiff
and if an ex-parte ad interim injunction is not granted in favour of the plaintiff, irreparable loss and injury would be caused to the plaintiff.

"Accordingly the defendants, its partners or proprietors, its officers, servants and agent are restrained from selling advertising, directly or indirectly dealing in the business of manufacturing /distributing and selling cement under the trade mark ACC or any other trade mark which is deceptively similar
to the plaintiff's trade mark," the court said in its order while issuing summons to all of them.

While appointing a team of court commissioners, comprising advocate Jaspreet Singh and high court officials Raj Kumar Rawat and Anita Malhotra, the court said the members would inspect the premises in Gorakhpur, Sirhind and Kapurthala without prior notice to the defendants.

"Local commissioners shall visit the premises of defendants without prior notice to the defendants. The local commissioners shall make an inventory of all goods and materials bearing the trade mark "ACC" or A.C.C or any other material or goods bearing identical or deceptively similar mark to the plaintiff's trade mark.

"The local commissioners shall seize and seal all the goods and release the same on superdari to the defendants with an undertaking not to tamper with the same and to produce the same before the court as and when directed," the court said and granted liberty to them to seek police assistance during
their inspection.

"The local commissioners shall be entitled to police assistance and the local police shall co-operate and assist the local commissioners for the smooth execution of the commission. The representatives of ACC Ltd shall accompany them in order to help in identifying the infringing goods," the court said.

INDIA:Birla Corp mulls cement plant in Ethiopia

In what would be its maiden overseas venture, Birla Corp plans to set up a cement plant in Ethiopia.

The MP Birla group company has recently formed a wholly-owned subsidiary, Birla Corp Cement Manufacturing Plc, in the sub-Saharan African country.

“We plan to go there for exploration of mainly limestone, for setting up a cement plant. We would also explore opportunities of setting up power plants there,” said a Birla Corp official, requesting anonymity.

Ethiopia is endowed with significant limestone deposits, a key raw material for cement making. Companies have started eyeing this economically poor country after the government started facilitating import of coal, necessary to run the plants.

Ethiopia currently imports cement as local demand far outstrips supply and acute power shortage keeps new investments away.
Birla Corp had, in fact, tried to enter the east African nation in 2010 by bidding for a contract for construction of a cement plant at Habesha. But it lost out to Chinese competitors.

Chinese mining companies have turned aggressive in lapping up limestone mining contracts in Ethiopia in recent years, firming up long-term off-take contracts.

Birla Corp’s move to venture outside India in search of raw material follows a ban on limestone mining at its Chanderia unit in Rajasthan since August last year. Effort to vacate an order putting a stay on the operations failed last month as the Jodhpur High Court cancelled all mining leases granted within 10 km of the Chittorgarh fort and also stopped all mining and blasting activities.

“Our Chanderia cement plant has been kept operational by sourcing clinker from other sources, besides the clinker procured from our Satna plant,” the Birla Corp official said, adding that this has increased the cost of operations.

The ban notwithstanding, the company expanded the Chanderia unit’s capacity by 1.2 million tonne (mt) in March and plans to commission a 0.7 mt grinding capacity addition at Durgapur this month. Once the expansion projects are over, its annual capacity will touch 9.3 mt. A coal washery is also likely to be operational at Satna by the end of December.

PAKISTAN: Cement sector needs prudent policies, not subsidies’

The cement producers need government initiatives that could increase cement consumption, which is only possible if the government abolishes federal excise duty on cement as it’s a punitive duty and curbs consumption, said a spokesman of All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA) on Thursday.

The cement producers are thankful to the government for granting minor relief by reducing the federal excise duty from Rs 500 per tonne to Rs 400 per tonne in the budget for the financial year 2012-2013 but the actual reduction in excise duty felt short by Rs 150 per tonne as compared to the promised reduction and the market had already factored in a much higher relief.

In the federal budget 2012-2013, government has made a significant amendment by inserting section 153A to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001. According to section 153A, the manufacturers shall collect 1.0 percent tax on gross sales price from their distributor, dealer or wholesaler. The proposed provision appears to be aimed at documentation of economy as well as broadening of tax base. However, this provision shall not only stress the cash flows of those distributor, dealer or wholesaler who are already paying final tax on their commission income but also impact the cement prices by Rs 4 per bag.

In the federal budget 2012-2013, the government has increased annual token tax on vehicle carrying goods from Re 1 per kilogramme (kg) to Rs 5 per kg. The impact of this increase comes to Re 1 per bag.

On the other hand, Ministry of Water and Power, government of Pakistan, vide its notification No 506(I)/2012 dated May 16, 2012 has increased the power tariff and its average impact to cement industry is Rs 1.7 per Kwh. Ministry of Water and Power also charged Rs 1.97 per Kwh as fuel price adjustment for the month of April 2012. The impact of these increases for cement industry comes to Rs 19 per bag. staff report

PAKISTAN: Cement manufacturers unhappy with duty cut

Cement manufacturers, while praising the government for cutting the federal excise duty from Rs500 to Rs400 per ton in the budget, have stressed that the duty reduction should actually be Rs250 per ton according to the assurances given in this regard earlier.

The market had already factored in much higher relief, which brought down cement prices by Rs20 per bag this month, they say.

“We need the government’s initiatives, which could push up cement consumption and that is only possible if the federal excise duty is abolished as it is a punitive duty and curbs consumption,” remarked a spokesman for the All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association (APCMA).

In the budget for 2012-13, the government inserted Section 153A to the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, according to which, the manufacturers would collect 1% tax on gross sales price from their distributors/dealers/wholesalers. The proposal appears to be aimed at documentation of the economy as well as broadening of the tax base.

The spokesman, however, said this tax would disturb the cash flow of those distributors/dealers/wholesalers, who were already paying final tax on their commission income, and would also push up cement prices by Rs4 per bag.

In the budget, annual token tax on goods-carrying vehicles has been increased from Rs1 to Rs5 per kg. “The impact of this will be a rise of Rs1 per cement bag,” he said.

In addition to these, the spokesman said, average impact on the cement industry of the increase in power tariff on May 16 was Rs1.7 per kilowatt hour (kwh). The government also charged Rs1.97 per kwh as fuel price adjustment for April and the cumulative impact of these for the industry was Rs19 per bag.

SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi cement capacity to hit 66 mln tonnes-study

Saudi Arabia's cement production capacity is expected to jump above 66 million tonnes annually by 2015 from 47 million tonnes this year as the country gears up to meet demand for big infrastructure projects, a report from Al Rajhi Capital said.

"Construction activities have accelerated in 2011 and should continue in the same vein in 2012 and 2013. Consequently, the Saudi cement market has a positive undertone to it in terms of near to medium-term demand growth," said the report, dated late May.

"Total cement capacity has risen from 31 million tonnes in 2008 to 47 million tonnes currently and is expected to increase to over 66 million tonnes by 2015."

Saudi Arabia has rolled out three consecutive state budgets of record size as it aims to meet growing demand for housing and improve roads, ports, railways and bridges.

"Overall, we expect demand to rise gradually over the next three years from 41 million tonnes in 2010 to 57 million tonnes by 2015," Al Rajhi said. It predicted cement prices would cool during the month of Ramadan, between mid-July and mid-August, a time when demand usually slowed, but would overall remain stable for the rest of 2012, ending the year at 249 riyals per ton ($66.40).

Saudi Arabia is the cheapest cement producer in the Gulf Cooperation Council and has a competitive advantage over global rivals as it benefits from subsidised fuel. Its cement production cost is around $30 per tonne against $44 in other GCC countries, the research report said.

There are 11 cement companies listed on the Saudi stock exchange. Al Rajhi's top three picks are Arabian Cement Co , Al Jouf Cement Co and Yamamah Saudi Cement because of expectations for strong profit growth.

"Arabian Cement is our top pick owing to its robust revenue and earnings growth, proximity to the western region (which is growing rapidly) as well as open investor relations," it said.

AFRICA: Sub-Saharan Africa's giant cement factory opens

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Monday inaugurated one of sub-sahara Africa's biggest cement factories, with a capacity to produce 5.25 million metric tonnes a year.

The Dangote conglomerate is "spearheading a silent industrial revolution in the country through its laudable activities that have put Nigeria on the world map as an emerging economic giant in Africa," Jonathan said.

"Today's event will ... fast-track Dangote Cement's ambition of ranking among the top eight cement-producing companies in the world by the year 2015," he said.

Jonathan said that with the current expansion in cement production, Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, will be self-sufficient in cement by 2015 and able to export to other countries.

The conglomerate is owned by Nigerian tycoon Aliko Dangote, Africa's richest man according to Forbes magazine.

The new plant in Obajana, a town in the central state of Kogi, together with two existing plants with a total installed capacity of five million metric tonnes per year, "will become the single largest cement plant in the world with a combined capacity of 10.25 million metric tonnes per annum," Dangote said.

Jonathan also performed a groundbreaking ceremony for a fourth plant at the Obajana complex that will add three million metric tonnes per year to the output when it begins operations in 2015.

The Dangote group has significant interests in Nigeria's oil, gas and foodstuff sectors, and operates in 14 other African countries.

EUROPE: Cement maker Lafarge to cut costs and debt

Lafarge, the world's biggest cement maker, unveiled plans to cut costs by 1.3 billion euros ($1.63 billion) over the next four years and bring its net debt pile below 10 billion euros as early as possible next year.

The group, whose debt totaled 12.4 billion euros at the end of March, is targeting savings of at least 400 million euros this year and at least 350 million in 2013, and it plans to shun major acquisitions in the period through 2015, it said on Tuesday.

"While we anticipate a demanding economic environment, we are confident that the actions we are taking will help drive sales, cash flows and returns," Chief Executive Bruno Lafont said in a statement released ahead of Lafarge's analyst day.

Lafarge sees continuing growth in demand for cement, driven mainly by emerging markets, and like German peer HeidelbergCement and Mexico's Cemex it is raising prices to cover the growing cost of the energy needed to produce the substance.

Lafarge said it wanted to achieve a ratio of cash flow from operations to net debt of 28-30 percent no later than 2015, when it also expects to reach a return on capital employed after tax of more than 8 percent, helped by less intensive capital expenditure.

The company expects earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) to improve by at least 450 million euros over the four years of its new strategic plan through sales growth and higher margins.

The group also confirmed its 2012 targets.

Shares in Lafarge were 2.3 percent higher at 31.35 euros by 08:04 British Time (0704 GMT). The stock is up about 15 percent since the start of the year.

INDIA: AP cement industry may see dip in Q1 topline, profits

Cement companies in Andhra Pradesh are likely to see a dip in revenues as well as profits for the first quarter ending June this year due to an unlikely factor of sand shortage faced by the housing sector in the state.

Industry sources said a decline of around 15 per cent in revenues was expected on account of the stoppage of sand quarrying by the AP high court starting April 1. The court had cited a Supreme Court ruling, according to which environmental clearances are compulsory for sand quarrying in areas beyond 5 hectare.

The court decision had impacted both the supply and the open market prices of this important input, which commanded as high as Rs 30,000 per truck load affecting the construction activity.

The resulting volume pressures saw a decrease of about Rs 20 per bag in cement prices.

“As against the normal anticipated movement of 1.8-1.9 million tonne of cement a month in the first quarter, the actual despatches have been about 1.5 to 1.6 million tonne,” said S Sreekanth Reddy, executive director of Sagar Cements limited.

In a year, the first and the fourth quarters would normally provide 65 per cent of the volume sales and profits to cement companies as the construction activity continues unhindered due to dry weather conditions between the December-June period, according to Reddy.

The situation on sand supplies started easing at the end of May with the state government announcing alternative steps, including allowing sand quarrying in patta lands as well as in reservoir areas in the form of desilting of the reservoir beds, according to the mines department. The department has also initiated steps to get environmental clearances in sand reaches that were yet to be tapped, the officials recently said.

In the January-March quarter of FY12, cement companies in AP had despatched about 5.2 million tonne, while the same is expected to be about 14.9 million tonne in the current quarter, according to industry sources.

With lower offtake in the local market, the companies have been pushing additional quantities into neighbouring states at the cost of profit margins as that involves higher transportation costs.

“Taking these factors into account, the likely erosion in the bottom line would be around 10 per cent during the quarter,” a senior official of a Hyderabad-based company told Business Standard.

There has been a marginal improvement in cement sales in the last quarter, as compared to the corresponding previous quarter, though the cement consumption as such had come down from a record peak of 2.4 million tonne a month in 2009-10, according to industry figures.

However, the companies are hopeful of making up for the current scenario in the subsequent quarters on the back of the likely restoration of sand supplies as well as the likely increase in government spending on irrigation and urban infrastructure.