Wednesday, June 4, 2014

ITALY: Edilizia, s’insedia oggi al porto di Augusta “Cementi Siciliani”

Nuovi slanci di produttività e segnali d’interesse dai mercati internazionali: il comparto del cemento da sempre rappresenta un indicatore economico per l’andamento dell’import/export e per il settore dell’edilizia, vero traino dei consumi. La multinazionale Cemex – terza compagnia al mondo per produzione di cemento e prima per commercializzazione e produzione di cemento bianco – sceglie la Sicilia per insediare una nuova azienda di materiali di costruzione: la “Cementi Siciliani”.

È stato inaugurato stamattina, venerdì 30 maggio, al porto di Augusta lo stabilimento nato con l’obiettivo di sviluppare nuovi business nel polo logistico e strategico del Mediterraneo: «Abbiamo deciso di avviare questa nuova iniziativa imprenditoriale – sottolinea Juan Luis Alonso, amministratore unico della nuova compagnia – in considerazione dell’espansione e del grande potenziale di crescita che offre la Sicilia, sebbene non escludiamo nel futuro di ampliare il nostro raggio di azione in altre regioni del Paese che consideriamo potenzialmente interessanti».

L’Azienda, che ha rilevato un vecchio cementificio nella sede commerciale del porto di Augusta, prevede strutture di deposito per una capacità di 4000 tonnellate di cemento. Inizialmente commercializzerà il cemento fabbricato dalla multinazionale Cemex nelle più vicine strutture di produzione presenti in Spagna, prevendendo in breve tempo di aumentare la gamma di prodotti con altri materiali di costruzione e soluzioni per l’edilizia che vengono fabbricati e distribuiti in più di 50 Paesi, dove vengono quotidianamente impiegate 43mila risorse umane.

«I nostri prodotti – spiega Jaime Ruiz De Haro, presidente e amministratore delegato di Cemex in Spagna – si distinguono nel mercato per l’alta qualità, riconosciuta a livello mondiale, che ha superato i rigidi controlli e gli standard dell’Unione Europea e vantano tutte le certificazioni di sostenibilità che esige la norma. Siamo convinti che avremo un’accoglienza eccellente in Sicilia, perché i nostri sono prodotti che nascono da un’innovazione continua e dall’obiettivo di dotare il settore dell’edilizia dei materiali all’avanguardia».

Questa mattina presso l’hotel NH Venus di Brucoli – alla presenza di Alonso e De Haro e dei rappresentanti istituzionali dell’Autorità Portuale di Augusta – si è svolta la presentazione della nuova azienda con oltre 50 imprenditori e stakeholders siciliani.

SOUTH AFRICA: Lafarge regroupe ses filiales sud-africaine et nigériane

Lafarge va regrouper ses activités en Afrique du Sud et sa filiale nigériane cotée Wapco , a annoncé mardi Guillaume Roux, directeur général de cette dernière.

La nouvelle entité, qui sera cotée à Lagos et prendra comme nom Lafarge Africa, pèsera plus de trois milliards de dollars (2,2 milliards d'euros), a ajouté Guillaume Roux.

Le cimentier français détiendra 73% de Lafarge Africa.

Une fois créée, la nouvelle entreprise entend augmenter sa capacité de production de 5,5 millions de tonnes, à 17,5 millions.

"La consolidation permettra à la nouvelle entité d'accélérer sa croissance sur le continent (..)", a poursuivi Guillaume Roux.

Lafarge est confronté à une rude concurrence en Afrique, en particulier de la part de son rival Dangote Cement, détenu par Aliko Dangote, l'homme le plus riche du continent.

Dangote, première capitalisation boursière de la place de Lagos, entend multiplier la construction d'unités de fabrication de ciment en Afrique. (Chijioke Ohuocha, Benoit Van Overstraeten pour le service français)

VENEZUELA: Inician proceso de reestructuración de fábrica de cemento en Guanta

Se conformó un comité técnico que reparará la trituradora número 3 y cuya función es procesar la materia prima que proviene de la cantera a la fábrica

La fábrica de cemento ubicada en Pertigalete, municipio Guanta, estado Anzoátegui, está siendo objeto de un proceso de reestructuración y reingeniería, con el fin de llevarla, en breve tiempo, a su máxima capacidad de producción.

De acuerdo a las instrucciones generadas el vicepresidente del Área Económica, Rafael Ramírez, se conformó un comité técnico que reparará la trituradora número 3 y cuya función es procesar la materia prima que proviene de la cantera a la fábrica. 

Además, se están llevando a cabo labores de mantenimiento mayor en el horno número 5 de la planta 1m las cuales finalizarán aproximadamente en una semana, para luego entrar en período de prueba. En este horno se calcinan materiales como caliza, bauxita, hierro, entre otros, que son básicos para la producción de cemento.

En el área laboral, se están conformando dos comisiones negociadoras que discutirán el contrato colectivo, a través de la intermediación del Ministerio del Trabajo. 

El también jefe plenipotenciario de la Región Oriental, adelantó numerosas inspecciones en los estados Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Monagas y Anzoátegui a fin de llevar a su máxima capacidad a las empresas públicas y privadas de esta importante región del país.

CANADA: Québec dit oui au projet de cimenterie en Gaspésie

La communauté de Port-Daniel-Gascons, en Gaspésie, peut pousser un soupir de soulagement. Le gouvernement Couillard a annoncé lundi qu'il allait de l'avant avec le projet de cimenterie de l'entreprise Ciment McInnis.

Le ministre de l'Économie, de l'Innovation et des Exportations, Jacques Daoust, compte allouer 350 millions $ pour ce projet estimé à 1,1 milliard de dollars.

Le ministre Jacques Daoust avait émis certaines réserves au cours des dernières semaines vis-à-vis du plan d'affaires et du montage financier du projet, notamment en remettant en question les sommes investies par le gouvernement.

«Nous avons remis en question trois aspects, soit le montage financier, les retombées de l'entente sur les accords commerciaux et la solidité du plan d'affaires. Ayant obtenu des réponses satisfaisantes à propos de chacun de ces aspects, nous sommes maintenant en mesure d'appuyer ce projet porteur d'importantes retombées économiques pour la région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine», a déclaré Jacques Daoust par communiqué lundi.

La contribution financière faite par Investissement Québec comprend un prêt de 250 millions $ et un investissement de 100 millions $ en capital-actions.

«En destinant sa production au marché nord-américain de l'exportation et en s'engageant à ne pas produire de béton, Ciment McInnis renforcera la compétitivité du Québec dans l'industrie du ciment sans être un concurrent des cimenteries intégrées qui sont exploitées au Québec», a dit Jacques Daoust.

Si on inclut les 100 millions $ investis par la Caisse de dépôt et placement, la somme des fonds publics investis dans le projet de cimenterie s'élève à 450 millions $.

Le projet prévoit la création de 200 emplois directs liés à la mise en exploitation de la cimenterie prévue en 2016.


Le porte-parole du Parti québécois (PQ) en matière de finances, Nicolas Marceau, s'est réjoui que les libéraux aillent de l'avant avec le projet qui avait été annoncé par le gouvernement Marois l'hiver dernier.

«Le gouvernement a entendu raison et je suis très content de ça, a-t-il dit. On a un projet qui va permettre de diversifier l'économie de la Gaspésie et qui va créer des jobs. La Gaspésie en a besoin.»

La réaction était tout autre du côté de Québec solidaire (QS), qui s'inquiète de l'impact qu'aura la cimenterie sur l'environnement. La formation de gauche estime que les 450 millions $ de fonds publics investis dans le projet auraient pu servir à diversifier l'économie de la région, plutôt qu'à «subventionner la destruction du climat».

«Comment le Québec peut-il lutter efficacement contre les changements climatiques si la cimenterie de Port-Daniel-Gascons est susceptible d'ajouter 1,7 million de tonnes de gaz à effet de serre par année à notre bilan? a demandé le député de Mercier, Amir Khadir. Alors que les dérèglements climatiques sont sur toutes les lèvres, notre gouvernement nous propose une augmentation de 2,1 % des gaz à effet de serre. C'est le monde à l'envers.»

MALAWI: Chilima Says Needy Malawians to Get Subsidized Cement, Iron Sheets

Vice President Saulos Chilima on Monday said needy Malawians would benefit from subsidized iron sheets and cement.

Chilima revealed this in Ntcheu where he addressed a crowd gathered at the Boma to thank them for their support during the tripartite elections which, he said, had shown that the people of Ntcheu are loyal to DPP.

The Vice President assured the people of Ntcheu that what DPP promised would be fulfilled.

"I would like to assure you that we did not promise just to get your votes, but that is what we will do.

"Expect the community colleges for the youth to start soon and needy people will start getting the subsidized iron sheets and cement which will be budgeted for in this financial year and by 1 July you will see," he said.

He added: "As I also said during the campaign, expect construction of Tsangano and Kasinje roads to begin soon. This is government and we mean business and it was a shame for Ntcheu to have no tarred roads apart from the M1 Road."

He also said the civil service would get a boost through better pay, allowances and medical schemes which DPP promised in the run-up to the election.

"We will always make sure that you are food secure and the subsidy programme (Farm Input Subsidy Program) will continue," he said.

He added that government plans to significantly reduce and plan on ending the number of people living in grass thatched houses and challenged the people to watch out in the next five years.

Chilima, however, urged all Malawians to stick together in developing the country.

"This is not time for campaign and for all those whose candidates lost, don't lose heart and let's work together to bring back economic sanity to our people," he explained.

He also said people should expect better health service delivery and infrastructure development in the next five years.

Monday, June 2, 2014

NIGERIA: Dangote denies fuelling crisis in cement industry

There seems to be no end in sight, over the raging crisis in the cement sub-sector of the economy as the major players in the sector keep throwing brickbats at one another over the rising cost and quality of the commodity.

In the last couple of months or so, the two major manufacturers of the product namely: Dangote Cement Plc and Lafarge have been engaged in a sort of media ‘war’ over who or what had been responsible for the hike in the price of the product and also, on what grade of cement is ideal for use in construction.

Daily Independent investigations revealed, that while some distributors of cement in the market, have been pointing accusing fingers in the direction of Dangote, others are equally heaping the blame on Lafarge depending on which side of the divide they belong.

However, stakeholders in the industry have continued to decry the development, noting that the raging crisis was not doing the construction industry any good.

They appeal to both parties to sheathe the sword and embrace peace in order to move the sector forward.

At a media interaction last week, a director in the Dangote Group, Ekanem Etim said that the company was not in any way, at loggerhead with any manufacture of cement in the country.

According to him, the main thrust of Dangote Group, is to ensure the availability of cement in the country. He was quick to point out, that the company was not responsible for any hike in the price of cement.

His words: ‘Dangote price is advertised. We have not increased the price of our products. Our ex-factory price is N1, 445.00k (One Thousand, Four Hundred and Forty-Four Naira).The price you see in the market is the retail price which has nothing to do with our price.”

Etim hinted, that the company was planning to add another nine million metric tonne to the existing 20 million metric tonne by August, 2014.

He debunked the allegation that Dangote was trying top create a crisis in the cement industry by insisting, that all manufacturers of cement in the country should be producing 42.5 mpa grade of cement.

According to him, the directive to all manufacturers of cement in the country to produce 42.5 mpa grade of cement was that of the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) and was endorsed by the Cement Manufacturers of Nigeria (CMAN) of which Lafarge is am member. He was quick to add, that at the meeting where the decision was taken, Lafarge was present.

He said that the usage of whatever brand of cement, should be in line with SON’s prescription. He added that on their part, Dangote deserves the very best and would not lower standards.

He debunked the insinuation that Dangote was monopolising the cement industry, adding that Lafarge had been operating in Nigeria since the 1950’s.

He wondered why anybody should be accusing Dangote of monopolising the industry since in his words ‘we only started operations in the country less than eight years ago.

Etim said that all Dangote was asking of other manufacturers of cement in the country is to comply with SON’s directive that the grade of cement to be produced, should be the 42.5 mpa grade.

He pointed out, that Lafarge’s products were not being demarketed because in his words, Lafarge has the capacity to switch over.

Etim said that this entire name calling should stop.

He asked ‘why should we lower the standard of cement grade in Nigeria’. He urged SON to ‘without further delay’, implement the 42.5mpsa grade of cement He was quick to add, that all the existing cement producing companies in the country, have the capacity to switch over from the 32.5 mpa grade to 42.5mpa.

According to him, Dangote was not prepared to lower the statndard, pointing out, that if other cement manufacturers decide to stay with 32.5 grade of cement, they were at liberty to do so.

Etim urged SON to ‘without further delay’ implement the 42.5 grade because all the existing cement producing companies have the capacity to switch over.

He pointed out, that hitherto, all companies that were importing cement into the country, were bringing in 42.5 grades, wondering why it is now that they were producing it locally, that they have decided to stick to 32.5 grade of cement.

According to him, the 32.5 grade of cement, were mainly meant for plastering, while the 42.5 grade is meant for general; purpose, pointing out, that the 52.5 cement grade was essentially for the construction of bridges, dams.He was quick to add, that the company produces the 52.5 grade of cement but only on request.

However, a top official of Lafarge Cement WAPCO Plc who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that nobody was accusing Dangote of fueling the crisis in the cement industry.

According to him, Lafarge as a major manufacturer would equally not want to lower standards in the quality of its products. He was quick to add, that the 32.5 mpa grade of cement that is being produced by the company was of very high quality.

He noted that in as much as the company has the capacity to switch over to the 42.5 mpa grade of cement, it would not be stampeded by another competitor to do what that ‘rival company’ wants.

He said that no end-users of the company’s product has ever complained about the quality of Lafarge cement, adding that at the appropriate time,the company would do what if feels it has to do concerning the 42.5mpa grade of cement.

SOUTH AFRICA: Analysts foresee higher production costs as cement grade war persists

As the battle for cement grade applications rages on, research analysts have foreseen higher production costs on the part of cement makers, which will translate into higher cement prices and lower product availability.

According to them, the restriction in the manufacture and use of 32.5N grade of cement will create further unwarranted and unexpected problems in the industry, stressing that all stakeholders should be more concerned with poor construction practices, the most common of which is the addition of water to improve workability of the concrete. Stakeholders and regulatory bodies need be perturbed by inappropriate mixes and/or excessive extension, both of which occur as a result of ignorance and possibly fraudulent intent on the part of builders, they add.

“The key implication on manufacturers is they will need to increase the amount of clinker in their product, and blend in a lot less additives. In addition, the purer clinker would need to be milled even finer than before, implying higher fuel electricity costs than previously. This clearly puts those manufacturers close to full capacity utilisation at greater risk, as it would negatively impact on available volumes. Higher electricity tariffs become more relevant in this scenario as well,” says Oyindamola Olanrewaju, research analyst at Renaissance Capital (RenCap), a research and investment banking firm.

There have been complaints in some quarters right from early part of the year that 32.5 grade is largely responsible for building collapses around the country. Recently, the House of Representatives ad hoc committee on cement composition and pigmentation held a public hearing, consequent upon which the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) issued a directive that cement with strength rating 52.5R be used for bridges; 42.5R for casting of columns, beams, slabs and for moulding blocks, and 32.5 can used for plastering only.

The war has become so fierce that the anti-32.5 group, which includes Dangote Cement (DangCem) and Cement Standardisation Advocacy Group, among others, insist that the pro-32.5 group which includes Lafarge WAPCO, United Cement Company of Nigeria (UniCem) and Ashaka Cement (AshakaCem) do so for pecuniary reasons and do not have the interest of the country at heart.

But Lafarge Cement WAPCO and others insist that professionals at different fora have maintained that 32.5 grade has never been associated with building collapses, adding that the new standard advertised by SON on the pages of newspapers has not been made available to them. Lafarge claims that “a leading manufacturer in Nigeria and proponent of restriction produces 32.5 cement grade in South Africa under the brand name Sephaku, and recommends the same for various construction activities including concrete work and block making.’’

Currently, there are several court actions challenging the link between building collapse and cement quality as well as processes followed by SON in arriving at the new standard, says Lafarge.

Adding its voice to the confusion in the industry, Renaissance Capital says, after its research, “we do not believe that 32.5N cement in itself is the cause of collapsing buildings, and do not expect the restriction in its manufacture and use to address the underlying problem without creating further problems. Low strength rated cement is not of its own a cause of collapsing buildings and its elimination will not necessarily result in better quality buildings, in our view. The only impact we see is higher cost of cement production which will inevitably be passed onto the end user in the form of higher cement prices, and lower availability of cement.’’

On the connection between cement and concrete, the investment banker says the composition of the cement used in making concrete drives the compressive strength of the concrete and the relevant application, adding that a 25 percent strength gain between seven and 28 days is often observed with 100 percent Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) vs. other mixtures. RenCap says strength gain depends on the type of mixture, its constituents, the use of standard curing, among others.

Victor O. Oyenuga, immediate past president of the Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers, agrees with RenCap, stressing that inability to carry out soil tests and involve professionals, as well as poor construction practices, among others, are factors causing building collapses, not 32.5 grade.