Wednesday, June 18, 2014

ZIMBABWE:Lafarge plans USD 250m cement factory

Lafarge, the French cement, aggregates and concrete multinational, may invest up to USD 250m in building a new cement plant in Zimbabwe, The Herald reported on 17 June.

The report cited Amal Tantawi [chief executive of Lafarge Cement Zimbabwe], who said that the search was continuing for feasible limestone deposits and for a suitable location for the factory.

According to Tantawi, Lafarge has budgeted for the plant as part of its sub-Saharan Africa spending.

ANGOLA: Cimentos lideraram importações angolanas entre Janeiro e Abril

Apesar da restrição à importação de cimentos, o volume, em toneladas, de importações deste material mantém-se superior ao de alimentos como farinha de trigo, arroz ou açúcares de cana ou de beterraba.

O Governo garante que o País é auto-suficiente em cimento e lembra que as importações serão penalizadas pelos direitos alfandegários e outros impostos.

Os cimentos não pulverizados, denominados clinkers, incluindo os cimentos hidráulicos - usados na exploração petrolífera -, foram os produtos mais importados de Janeiro a Abril deste ano, entre os 100 artigos controlados pela Comissão Nacional de Carregadores (CNC).

Neste período, de acordo com a Direcção Nacional do Comércio Externo, o volume total de importações ascendeu a 613,1 mil toneladas, correspondentes a 3,8 mil milhões Kz (39,3 milhões USD). Embora não existam cifras exactas sobre cimentos relativamente ao mesmo período de 2013, só no primeiro trimestre do ano passado, a importação destes materiais foi de 664,2 mil toneladas, ou seja, mais 7,6% do que este ano, até Abril.

O clinker, utilizado como matéria-prima na produção de cimento - cerca de 80% da composição -, foi o produto mais importado entre Janeiro e Abril deste ano, num total de 335,8 mil toneladas e num valor pecuniário superior a 1,8 mil milhões Kz. Esta quantidade representa 55% do total de cimento importado no referido período.

CHINA: Asia Cement eyes mergers for expansion

Asia Cement Corp, the nation’s No. 2 cement producer, yesterday said it aims to increase its market share in five major Chinese cities to above 30 percent through mergers and acquisitions.

The company plans to boost its market share in Wuhan, Hubei Province; Nanchang, Jiangxi Province; Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province; Chengdu, Sichuan Province; and Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, it said.

To achieve the goal, the firm is looking to acquire factories in Wuhan that can produce 568,000 tonnes of cement a year and factories in Nanchang that can turn out 240,000 tonnes a year, it said.

Asia Cement yesterday also maintained its target to boost combined annual capacity from its plants on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to 50 million tonnes by the end of 2016, from 40 million tonnes now, Douglas Hsu, chairman of Asia Cement and Far Eastern Group, said at the company’s annual shareholders’ meeting.

He added that it would be easier to reach the goal through mergers.

Chang Tsai-hsiung, vice chairman of Asia Cement (China) Holdings Corp, a subsidiary of Asia Cement, said the company favors cement companies that have sound financials.

“We cannot acquire a company that will be a burden to Asia Cement,” Chang said.

Last quarter, the company registered a profit of NT$1.44 billion (US$47.97 million), or NT$0.47 per share, up from NT$1.22 billion, or NT$0.4 per share, the previous year, according to the company’s filing to the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

The company expects its profit this year to be higher than last year’s NT$6.81 billion, or NT$2.21 per share, aided by its acquisition of Sichuan Lanfeng Cement Co last month and higher product prices this year.

Shareholders also approved Asia Cement’s appointment of three independent board members — former Taipei mayor Huang Ta-chou, former Taiwan Stock Exchange chairman Schive Chi and former Financial Supervisory Commission chairman Gordon Chen.

“We need experts from different fields to improve the company’s operations,” Hsu said.

Shareholders also approved the company’s plan to pay a cash dividend of NT$1.80 per share and a stock dividend of 2 percent, based on the company’s earnings per share of NT$2.21 last year.

Commenting on the company’s operations in Vietnam, Hsu said he believed the anti-China sentiment would gradually cool down because Vietnam would not benefit from it.

Hsu added that he was willing to invest more in Taiwan instead of Vietnam if the government could allow the group to employ more foreign workers if it could not find enough local workers.

Asia Cement shares slid 0.38 percent to NT$39.50 yesterday, underperforming the TAIEX, which edged up 0.07 percent, Taiwan Stock Exchange data showed.

WORLD: Votorantim aumentará produção em 8 mi de toneladas até 2018

Entre 2012 e 2013, a Votorantim Cimentos expandiu para seis novos países: Espanha, Turquia, Marrocos, Tunísia, Índia e China.

Nesse processo de expansão, empregou quase 3.000 pessoas e tornou-se efetivamente uma companhia global, com representações na Europa, África e Ásia.

A empresa foi o destaque do setor de Indústria da Construção da 41ª edição de Melhores e Maiores. 

Em abril, a companhia obteve grau de investimento em escala global pelas três principais agências de risco: Standard & Poors (BBB), Moody’s (Baa3) e Fitch (BBB).

Está bom? Para a Votorantim, não. “Acabamos de lançar o plano 8-18: aumentar 8 milhões de toneladas de produção de cimento até 2018”, afirmou Walter Dissinger, presidente executivo da companhia, no prêmio Melhores e Maiores 2013, realizado pela Revista EXAME.

Um dos passos para isso será a inauguração da fábrica de Primavera, no nordeste do Pará, com capacidade de produção anual de 1,2 milhão de toneladas anuais.

“Nossos investimentos continuarão firmes para atingirmos a meta nos próximos quatro anos”, afirmou o executivo.

INDONESIA: Holcim kick-starts production at Tuban 1

Publicly listed cement maker PT Holcim Indonesia announced on Tuesday that it had begun producing cement from its Tuban 1 plant in East Java.

The operation of the new facility adds 1.7 million tons per annum to the company’s total production capacity.

“This new capacity positions Holcim Indonesia in a very favorable position to capture future growth,” Holcim Indonesia CEO Eamon Ginley said in his remarks during the inauguration of the plant, the biggest investment Holcim has ever realized worldwide.

“Particularly in East Java, we expect to double our market share from today’s 9 percent to 16 percent.”

The company has disbursed US$800 million to construct the Tuban 1 and Tuban 2 production facilities.

Each of the two factories can produce up to 1.7 million tons of cement per year. Tuban 1’s cement mill began operating in October 2013 but it just started production on Tuesday, while Tuban 2 is due to commence operations in the first quarter of 2015.

“The additional 20 percent boost in production from Tuban 1, and a further increase of another 20 percent in capacity that Tuban 2 will bring once it is completed in early 2015, will provide competitive advantages […] with low production costs and close proximity to customers,” Holcim said in a press statement.

Apart from the Tuban facilities, the company and its subsidiaries have a total annual production capacity of 8.2 million tons of cement in Indonesia and another 1.2 million tons in Malaysia.

SPAIN: Portland Valderrivas begin talks to refinance EUR 958m loan

Spanish cement group Cementos Portland Valderrivas and its 78% shareholder FCC have begun talks with lenders to refinance a EUR 958m loan that matures in 2016, reported Expansion, citing financial sources.
Portland faces a EUR 50m payment on the loan before 30 June, the Spanish-language paper said.

The steering committee includes BBVA, Banco Santander, La Caixa, Credit Agricole, Kutxabank and Banco Sabadell. KPMG will carry out an independent auditor's report on the business, the paper added.

Around EUR 300m of the debt has been acquired by firms such as Apollo, GSO and Avenue Capital, among others. The paper had no details on the banks that have sold the debt.

In 2012, Portland signed a EUR1.2bn loan with over 20 banks, led by BBVA, Santander and Banco Sabadell.
Portland's 1Q14 sales were down 8.6% YoY to EUR 111m while its EBITDA was up 117% to EUR 15.6m and it posted a loss of EUR 24.3m. The company is also open to a merger, as reported.

GUINEA: Six wagons et 450 tonnes de rails sont déjà à Conakry

En marge de l’inauguration de la Bluezone de Kaloum, Vincent Bolloré, le PDG du groupe Bolloré, a déclaré à la presse que 450 tonnes de rails ainsi qu’une demi douzaine de wagons ont déjà été débarqués au port de Conakry.

Bolloré qui veut relier le port de Conakry à la voie de chemin de fer au plus tard avant le 2 octobre, a indiqué que les travaux consistant à doubler la voie pour qu’elle devienne standard international, commenceraient dès cette semaine.

D’après lui, cette voie de chemin de fer va permettre de mettre les conteneurs que les camions viennent prendre dans Conakry pour l’extérieur de Conakry.

«Donc les gens qui viennent chercher les conteneurs, au lieu qu’ils perdent le temps dans les embouteillages de Conakry et qui abîment les rues de Conakry, vont pouvoir aller les chercher ailleurs. Et on va essayer de faire ensuite la même chose pour le clinker, vous avez aujourd’hui un million de tonnes de clinker qui monte. Ça veut dire à 25 tonnes, à peu près 4000 wagons équivalant 4000 camions qui vont aussi sortir. Et puis, on a la même chose avec le pétrole.

Donc l’idée, c’est de faire de Conakry, une zone innovante avec de l’énergie solaire propre indéfinie et pas coûteuse. On est en train de faire des travaux considérables sur le port. Je rappelle que nous avons un programme de 200 millions d’euros qui est en train de se finir. C’est-à-dire un programme de 200 milliards de GNF qui sera sans doute inauguré mi octobre», a enfin fait savoir Vincent Bolloré.

Le groupe Bolloré qui est concessionnaire du terminal à conteneurs de Conakry, c’est également lui qui est adjudicataire du projet de construction du chemin de fer Conakry-Kagbélén, long d’environ 42 km et celui Conakry-Kankan-Bobo-Dioulasso via Bamako.

SPAIN: Los neumáticos usados recogidos en Galicia en 2013 permitirían construir 2.200 kilómetros de carreteras

Las ruedas usadas recogidas por el Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Neumáticos Usados, SIGNUS Ecovalor, en Galicia durante 2013 permitirían la construcción de más de 170 campos de césped artificial o de 2.200 kilómetros de carreteras, según cálculos de esta entidad que trabaja en colaboración con empresas privadas, universidades e institutos tecnológicos en el avance del mercado de materias primas secundarias derivadas de los neumáticos fuera uso. 

SIGNUS Ecovalor es la entidad responsable del reciclado de los neumáticos fuera de uso y recogió en Galicia durante el año pasado un total de 13.677 toneladas de ruedas usadas, un 8,4% del total recogido en España. Por provincias, se retiraron 5.058 en A Coruña, 2.084 en Lugo, 1.898 en Ourense y 4.637 en Pontevedra. 

Además, según datos de SIGNUS, se realizaron 16.385 operaciones de recogida para atender a los 2.041 puntos de generación de la Comunidad gallega que solicitaron la recogida de neumáticos. La empresa encargada de la recogida fue Sertego Servicios Medioambientales. 

En 2013, se reutilizaron 11.394 toneladas del total recogido en Galicia, equivalentes a 130.878 unidades de neumáticos, tanto para la venta de ocasión como para su recauchutado. El resto de neumáticos se destinaron a instalaciones de transformación para su posterior reciclaje. 

Datos nacionales 

En el conjunto de España durante el año pasado, SIGNUS recogió 166.599 toneladas de neumáticos en los 23.718 puntos de generación que lo solicitaron. Además de las cantidades recogidas en ese ejercicio, la cifra final gestionada alcanza las 162.521 toneladas, de las cuales 144.549 toneladas fueron recicladas o valorizadas materialmente convirtiéndose en triturado y granulado de caucho para diversas aplicaciones, como campos de fútbol de césped artificial, losetas de seguridad para parques infantiles, mezclas asfálticas u objetos moldeados. Por su parte, 68.990 toneladas se destinaron a valorización energética, que sirvieron para generar energía eléctrica o como combustible de sustitución en hornos de fabricación de cemento. Las 17.972 toneladas restantes se clasificaron por los recogedores seleccionados por SIGNUS para su reutilización, bien a través del mercado de ocasión o de su recauchutado. Entre las misiones de SIGNUS está buscar nuevos mercados y nuevas aplicaciones para el caucho reciclado, por lo que desarrolla líneas de I+D, como el proyecto 'New Jersey', financiado por el programa Life+, en el que se desarrollaron dos tipos de barreras de seguridad vial fabricadas a partir de materiales procedentes de neumáticos fuera de uso. En 2013 también se publicó la primera guía para la fabricación de betunes con polvo de neumático y se desarrolló el proyecto 'Recysole', junto a la empresa Ecoalf, que acaba de comercializar unas flip flop hechas con caucho reciclado.

EGYPT: Parco eolico in Egitto per produrre cemento

Novanta chilometri a nord di Hurgada - con Sharm el Sheikh e Marsa Alam uno dei centri balneari piu' famosi d'Egitto - entro l'anno cominceranno i lavori per la realizzazione di un parco eolico che produrrà energia pulita fino a 120 MegaWatt. E' la prima fase di un progetto della societa' Italgen, del Gruppo Italcementi, che mira a coprire almeno il 40 per cento del fabbisogno energetico delle cementerie Suez Cement, di proprietà' del gruppo italiano. Lo illustra al Cairo l'amministratore delegato Italgen, Giuseppe De Beni, che non respinge l'attributo di 'pioniere' per la sua società', primo investitore straniero nelle energie rinnovabili in Egitto. A fine progetto l'obiettivo è di ridurre le emissioni di CO2 di oltre 250mila tonnellate annue.(ANSA).

PERU: Crece despacho de cemento

Por buen camino. Los despachos de cemento en el mercado peruano sumaron un total de 4´129,906 toneladas métricas entre enero y mayo del 2014, lo que representó un aumento de 0.51% respecto a lo registrado en el mismo período del 2013 (4’108,977 TM), informó la Asociación de Productores de Cemento (Asocem).

Durante los primeros cincos meses del año, la producción de cemento fue 4’231,221 TM, lo que representó una expansión de 0.95% en relación a similar periodo del 2013, cuando sumó 4’191,295 TM.

Finalmente se concretó que los despachos totales de cemento sumaron 4’225,623 TM en los primeros cinco meses del año, cifra que muestra un aumento de 0.84% respecto a similar período del 2013.

ITALY: Autorizzazione per la progettazione del cemento armato: nuovo intervento dell'Ance imperiese

La scorsa settimana, a seguito delle precedenti segnalazioni che l'associazione nazionale costruttori edili (Ance) di Imperia ha con forza, ripetutamente evidenziato, si è tenuto un incontro tra il Presidente Olimpio Lanteri e il Presidente dell'Amministrazione Provinciale, Dott. Sappa, alla presenza dell'Assessore Leuzzi, per affrontare il perdurante problema dell'autorizzazione preventiva in materia di progettazione delle strutture in cemento armato.

Infatti, come ormai noto, la Legge regionale 50 del 21 Dicembre 2012 prevede che le Province rilascino preventivamente l'autorizzazione per l'esecuzione delle suddette opere: “Tale adempimento – evidenzia l’Ance - ha inevitabilmente comportato un carico di lavoro che gli uffici della Provincia non sono strutturati a sostenere. Di conseguenza, non è pensabile che ai tempi già esageratamente lunghi per ottenere un qualsiasi permesso di costruire si debbano sommare ulteriori ritardi. Il Presidente Sappa ha informato delle iniziative intraprese al fine di rafforzare gli uffici preposti, anche se non ha potuto garantire la soluzione del problema in misura soddisfacente. Dopo una discussione finalizzata a trovare possibili soluzioni volte ad ottimizzare il servizio, si è concordato di organizzare un incontro con la parte politica e gli uffici preposti della Regione Liguria, con i rappresentanti dell'Amministrazione Provinciale e Ance Imperia, affinché si possa discutere su una semplificazione della norma, ma soprattutto si possa chiedere alla Regione di rivedere la classificazione dei Comuni soggetti a tale Legge. Peraltro non pare giustificata l'applicazione della norma in modo indistinto relativamente alle diverse tipologie di intervento. Ance Imperia, nel prendere atto dello spirito collaborativo dell'Amministrazione Provinciale, che ha preso coscienza dell'importanza del problema sollevato, conferma la sua disponibilità a contribuire al fine di addivenire ad una soluzione condivisa, risolutiva ed entro breve termine”.

MEXICO: Cementera entrega 3600 toneladas de cemento al año al ayuntamiento

Un total de 3600 toneladas de cemento entrega al municipio de Tamuín, la cementera ubicada en el ejido "Las Palmas", cantidad que es suficiente para que en estos tiempos, estuvieran pavimentadas todas las calles de Tamuín, así como de sus ejidos, por lo cual es importante que se informe a la población en que se ha utilizado el cemento recibido.

Lo cierto es que los Alcaldes no informan de los apoyos que otorgan las empresas y conocer en qué se ha utilizado este material, toda vez que son pocas las calles pavimentadas en la localidad, denunció Fermín Ordóñez Quintanar, quien señaló que varios ex alcaldes de Tamuín, recibieron apoyos por parte de la cementera y jamás rindieron informe alguno a la población.

También dijo que en la actualidad, debe ocurrir lo mismo sin que se vean las obras, por lo cual Santiago Ledesma Cano, esta obligado a informar, lo cierto es que en Tamuín se ha lucrado por años con cada apoyo que ha otorgado la cementera, sin que esto se refleje en calles pavimentadas con concreto, por lo cual la duda crece.

A la vez mencionó... "Se sabe que hay aportaciones de cemento. Lo sé porque trabajé para la empresa durante siete años, en Cementos Anáhuac ocupando el cargo de cajero-pagador, y desde entonces se otorgaban 300 toneladas mensuales a la administración municipal de 1985 a 1990".

Es por ello que se supone que este recurso, lo debe estar recibiendo aun el Municipio, por lo tanto hablamos de 3 mil 600 toneladas de cemento al año y haciendo números con esta cantidad ya estuvieran totalmente pavimentadas las calles de Tamuín y sus ejidos, pero como nada se ha hecho, entonces se exige que se informe a la ciudadanía.

Señaló que se tiene conocimiento de que se han otorgado otros apoyos por parte de la cementera, de lo cual tampoco se sabe a quien ha beneficiado, por lo cual es necesario que también se de a conocer en qué se ha invertido, porque la población no se ha beneficiado en nada.

Lo que no se puede ocultar, es que en Tamuín, hay deficiencias en el servicio de agua potable, en el drenaje, calles en buen en estado, esto en la zona urbana, pero tomando en consideración que el medio rural el problema es similar, será de mucha importancia que la cementera y las termoeléctricas, apoyen para mejorar los servicios que se otorgan a los habitantes de este lugar, tanto en la ciudad como en el campo.

PARAGUAY: Gobierno invertirá US$ 350 millones de los bonos soberanos en obras viales

Así lo informó esta mañana el ministro de Hacienda, Germán Rojas, durante una audiencia llevada a cabo este martes ante varias comisiones de la Cámara de Diputados. También asistieron los ministros Ramón Jiménez Gaona, de Obras Públicas y Comunicaciones; Jorge Gattini, de Agricultura y Ganadería; Francisco Knapps, de la Secretaría Nacional de la Vivienda y el Hábitat (Senavitat); Víctor Romero, presidente de la Administración Nacional de Electricidad (ANDE); y, Jorge Méndez, presidente de la Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC).

La reunión tuvo lugar en el Salón Comuneros, de la Cámara Baja, en donde Rojas fue el primero en exponer los alcances que tendrá la colocación de bonos de la Tesorería General, por un monto de US$ 750 millones, bajo los términos y condiciones establecidos en la Ley 5142/2014 que fue presentada para su aprobación al Congreso Nacional.

Rojas indicó que del total de bonos a ser emitidos, US$ 517 millones serán destinados a infraestructuras, de los cuales unos US$ 100 millones se destinarán a la SENAVITAT para la construcción de 5.800 viviendas, US$ 350 millones corresponderán al MOPC y unos USD 67 millones serán invertidos para el mejoramiento del Horno III de clinker de la Industria Nacional de Cemento.

Por otro lado, US$ 50 millones se destinarán al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (MAG) para mejorar la infraestructura de riego a los productores y US$ 100 millones serán invertidos en el sector eléctrico para ampliación y modernización de subestaciones, la construcción de la línea Acaray–Pdte. Franco y la modernización del sistema de trasmisión, todos estos trabajos a cargo de la ANDE.

En relación a obras de infraestructura, el ministro Ramón Jiménez Gaona explicó que de los US$ 350 millones que le corresponderán al MOPC, la mayor parte (84%) será destinada a obras en ejecución y el resto para nuevos proyectos de infraestructura.


Además, manifestó que servirán como contrapartida para proyectos que se están encarando desde la citada Cartera de Estado, como el caso del Acueducto en el Chaco.

Informó que en el MOPC actualmente se encuentran en ejecución más de 160 contratos, que abarcan 31 ítems, entre los cuales están las obras emblemáticas como la Av. Ñu Guasu, el Acueducto, la construcción del acceso norte a la capital (Laguna Grande), la pavimentación de la ruta Capitán Bado, la ampliación del canal del Pilcomayo, la rehabilitación del tramo Concepción – Vallemi, así como trabajos de mejoramiento y rehabilitación de caminos rurales, construcción de puentes, mejoramiento y rehabilitación de arroyos urbanos, la conservación de edificios históricos, entre otros.

BANGLADESH: Lighter vessel capsizes in Bay

A lighter vessel capsized with 950 tonnes of cement clinker in the Bay of Bengal near Patenga Sea Beach in Chittagong this morning.

All the crew of the vessel, numbering 7 to 8, were rescued by the staff of other ships soon after the incident, reports our Chittagong correspondent

Confirming the incident, radio control operators at the Chittagong Port said the vessel ‘Bristi’ sank in the Bay around 8:30am when it was going to a private jetty in Isanagar area of the city.

Bristi was returning to the jetty of Diamond Cement Limited after uploading clinker from a mother vessel named Xing Peng Da, the sources said.

Reason behind the capsize could not be known immediately, they said adding that Diamond Cement Ltd imported the raw material for making cement.

NIGERIA: Cement reclassification won’t increase the price

Investors in Nigeria’s construction sector need have no fear as the recent upward review of the quality standard of cement manufactured in the country by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) will not lead to a price hike on the commodity, Dangote Cement Plc said over the weekend.

The company said it was necessary to allay the fears of consumers that the upgrade of cement quality and the new classification of grades would affect prices, insisting that quality had nothing to do with price.

According to the Group Managing Director of Dangote Cement, Devakumar Edwin, those making such claims were doing so to blackmail the regulatory authorities into backing down on the new quality standard.

He explained in an interview with journalists that for any patriotic manufacturer with consumer interest at heart, there is no relationship between the new standard review and the price of the product except for profiteering.

To buttress his point, Edwin noted that his company started producing 42.5 grade for the past eight years at its Obajana and Ibese plants for about three years at the same with price of the lower grade of 32.5 produced by some other competitors.

According to him, the switch over to a higher quality of cement should not be a difficult process that will necessitate increase in price of the product.

The Dangote Cement boss added that his company has even gone ahead to produce the 52.5 grade of cement and that it would be uncharitable for anyone to claim that the new standard would lead to hike in the price of the product.

Edwin then pledged that much as his company would continue to cooperate with government and authorities in the regulation of the cement industry, it would ensure the price is not hijacked by profiteers.

SON, in the wake of incessant building collapse across the country and the attendant controversies on the quality of cement being produced in the country, summoned the meeting of stakeholders in the building and construction industry to ascertain the immediate and remote causes.

The meeting undertook a review of standard of quality of cement and came out with a classification of cement types and their appropriate uses as a means of stemming the suspected misapplication of the produc, which has contributed to building collapse.

SON in the new classification exercise warned members of the public to adhere strictly to the stipulated application of cement types and save the nation the embarrassment of incessant structure failures.

In the fresh review of standard, the organisation restricted the use of the 32.5 grade strength to plastering of structures only while 42.5 grade was recommended for the construction of buildings, beams, load bearing columns, pillars, block moulding and other structures and the 52.5 recommended for the construction of bigger projects like bridges, flyovers, and high rise buildings.

Edwin said the decision by Dangote Cement to embark on the high quality grade was to help Nigeria stem the tide of building collapse and commended SON for the bold move, pointing out that Dangote was ready to support the regulatory body in the onerous task of ridding the nation of structure failures.

He said: “After 28 days, the 32.5 grade gives a strength of 32.5MPA, whereas the 42.5 grade gives a curing of 42.5MPA i.e 30 per cent higher in strength.”

Edwin said that despite the high quality grade of Dangote Cement, it has not increased its price for the product and would not.

“China, the number one producer of cement in the world is phasing out the 32.5 grade by July. India, the second largest producer of cement phased out 32.5 grade cement 12 years back,” he added.

INDIA: Sharekhan maintains positive view on cement sector

"The demand environment has remained weak on account of a slower than expected execution of infrastructure and housing projects (especially rural housing demand has remained weak) in all regions except the eastern region. The major cities of the western, southern and northern regions witnessed a sluggish demand environment in June this year because of the absence of infrastructure projects and a slow recovery in the private housing segment. Cement dealers are of the view that the demand is likely to recover in the second half of the year.

"Outlook for demand environment:"The firming up of cement prices in the central and southern regions indicates an improving business environment which is positive for the south-based cement players like India Cements and The Ramco Cements . The price of cement is likely to remain stable at the current level or decline by Rs10-15 per bag in selected cities. The cement prices are stabilising (in fact, the prices are firming up in certain regions) and the demand outlook is also improving, given the cyclical upturn in the economy and the expected policy push by the new pro-development government at the centre that would drive investments in the infrastructure sector. Thus, the blended realisations could look up once the demand environment improves and the volume growth picks up, resulting in a better capacity utilisation level. We, therefore, maintain our positive view on the cement sector", says Sharekhan research report.

INDIA: A shot in the arm for Prism Cement

PRISM CEMENT, one of the biggest gainers in the cement mid-cap space, has seen its share price grow almost 2.5 times in last three months to Rs 76.50 levels. While the optimism on cement demand growth led by expected revival in economy has been key trigger for this stellar performance, the company’s overall profitability too has seen a turnaround. Prism’s March quarter performance indicated a good rebound in its cement and TBK (Tile, Bath and Kitchen) segments. Reacting on the March’14 performance, analysts at Espirito Santo observed that company’s operational performance vindicates their expectation of a turnaround in cement and TBK operations.

Not surprisingly, top mutual funds are also showing interest in the company’s stock. Of late, Prism’s shares worth Rs 175 crore (about five% of market capitalisation) changed hands in block deals. While around half of the same were bought by HDFC Mutual Fund, the rest was acquired by Prism Trust which indicates promoter’s confidence in the company.

Prism Cement that derives around 39% of its revenues from cement business is seeing the segment’s profitability grow even as costs are on the rise. The benefits of higher pet coal usage, better power efficiencies, and higher fly ash usage have started percolating. This has boosted cement segments’ per tonne Ebitda in March’14 quarter to Rs 615 versus a loss Rs 53 in previous quarter (Rs 549 in the year ago quarter), say analysts at Motilal Oswal Securities.

On the other hand, TBK segment, which also contributes about 38% to revenues, had been feeling the heat due to higher fuel costs. However, better fuel efficiencies are now helping, thereby boost investor confidence. TBK segment’s volumes, too, are expected to grow at a faster pace as fuel cost economics was limiting growth earlier.

The Ready Mix Concrete segment, the only business that continues to lag, should show improvement once the demand picks up, say analysts. Overall, analysts expect the company to post earnings per share of Rs 5.1 in FY16 compared to a loss (Rs -1.9 per share) in FY14.

However, after a sharp run up in the share price investors need to be cautious on the valuations of cement stocks. Analysts at J P Morgan state that Indian cement stocks are now among the most expensive in the world on two-year forward earnings, even as the RoE (return on equity) profile is relatively weak compared to SE Asian companies.

Further, though some analysts have upgraded their target prices (Espirito Santo to Rs 80 and Motilal Oswal to Rs 67) for Prism Cement, the same shows limited upside for the stock. Additionally, with the monsoon season setting in, it is likely to impact cement demand and realisations. Hence, investors with a medium term perspective may wait for some correction to enter the stock.

Monday, June 16, 2014

GHANA: Ghacem supports dev’t in schools, health institutions

About 300 health and educational Institutions in the southern part of Ghana have taken delivery of free cement bags from the Ghacem Cement Foundation (GCF) to aid their infrastructural development.
The donation, made last week in Accra, is the first of two distributions to be carried out by the Foundation this year.

The Western, Central, Greater Accra, Eastern and Volta Region were the areas which formed part of the southern sector of the country that benefited from the free cement under the Ghacem Cement Foundation as part of an annual benevolence from the country's leading cement manufacturer.

The Northern Sector, which consists of the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions, will also receive their allocation of free cement bags by the last quarter of this year.

Present at the ceremony were top Council Members of the GCF including the its Chairman, Nana Prah Agyensaim VI; Mr. Morten Gade, Managing Director of Ghacem and member of the Foundation; Dr. George Dawson-Ahmoah, Secretary of the Foundation, who is also the Strategy and Corporate Affairs Director of Ghacem and Professor Audrey Gadzekpo (member of the Foundation).

Dr. George Dawson-Ahmoah commended the delegation from Pantang Hospital in Accra, who was one of the beneficiaries for turning out in their numbers at the handing over ceremony.

Addressing the gathering, the Managing Director of Ghacem, Mr. Morten Gade expressed delight about the strides Ghacem has made in infrastructural development across the country through the annual cement donation.

“The United Nations Millennium Development Goals clearly states, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education by 2015 and considering how close it is and looking at the whooping gap in infrastructural development in these two areas in the country it behoves on all of us to work hard to achieve these objective", he said.

Mr Gade reaffirmed Ghacem's commitment to continue to support health and educational institutions in the country and urged the beneficiary institutions to do their part by using the donation judiciously.

Chairman of the GCF, Nana Prah Agyensaim VI, noted that since 2002, the GCF has donated a total of 360,000 bags of free cement to over 3,800 communities in the country. “This means that within the twelve-year period of the running of the foundation, the company has invested about 8.2 million Ghana cedis into this project and “I believe this is very commendable and corporate institutions need to emulate to facilitate development in the country", he said.

Some of the beneficiary schools and hospitals included: Shallon Preparatory School in Agona Amanful; Konono D/A JHS in Akosombo; Youth Leadership & Skills Training Institute- Afienya; Kpando Aziave R.C Primary in Kpando; Sacred Heart Preparatory School in Supomu Dunkwa; Kushea Anglican School in Assin Kushea; MA Experimental in Kibi; Royal Priesthood Academy In Amasaman; Andoga L.A. Primary School in Hohoe; Atwereboanda D/A Junior High School In Aboso; Frankeve Human Development Foundation in Agona Swedru and St. Nicholas Preparatory School in Akyem Manso.